Long Journey Farewell, My Friends

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After the intense battle against Dio, Jotaro heard the sirens of the Speedwagon Foundation and police approaching. The agent's of the Foundation got to work and blocked off the road where the battle took place and talked with the police to cover it up. Inside one of the Speedwagon Foundation vehicles, the agent's had already recovered Joseph's lifeless body. They put Dio' body inside the same vehicle and Jotaro got on as well.

While sitting next to his grandfather's corpse, Jotaro silently watched the two doctors who accompanied them signing papers and typing on the computer and hearing the driver speak with the other agents on the radio.

"This is Speedwagon Car Two reporting. We're heading North on Al-Nil street and Dio's body has been retrieved. I repeat, Dio's body has been retrieved." The agent informed.

"Dio's body will stay alive until it's exposed to the sunlight. So be careful and don't let your guard down." The agent on the other end warned.


"Kakyoin Noriko has been found with Iggy by her side. They both appear to be very injured. We're taking them to the hospital as quickly as possible."

Jotaro's head perked up from the information. His red-headed girlfriend is still alive and felt relieved.

"Jean Pierre Polnareff is unconscious and currently being treated in Car One."


"By the way, I have a question for you, Car Two. Why did you put Dio and Joseph's bodies in the same vehicle?"

"Because this isn't over yet." Jotaro responded. "Dio took something..."

The doctor next to Jotaro averted his eyes to him in confusion.

"... And I need to get it back."

"What are you talking about?" The other doctor who was typing on the computer, asked.

"Is it possible to transfuse blood from one corpse to another?" Jotaro queried.

Both doctors gasped.

"A-Are you suggesting we transfer Dio's blood to Mr. Joestar's corpse?!" One of the doctors asked.

The other doctor stood up from his chair, "Are you trying to bring Mr. Joestar back to life?!" Asked in disbelief.

"Dio took the Old Man's blood a few minutes ago." Jotaro stated. He stood up, his hand touching the ceiling and towering over the Speedwagon doctors. "Dio's upper part of the body has been annihilated but I want him to return what he has remaining. "You think we can still make it in time?"

"W-What you're asking for is impossible, Mr. Jotaro!" The doctor told the delinquent. "He doesn't have a pulse!"

"Meaning his heart has stopped so it's impossible to make his blood circulate throughout his body!" The other doctor said.

"Impossible?" Jotaro said in a firm tone. "Our journey has been full of impossibilities. I'm tired of hearing that things are 'impossible' or 'useless' . Those words mean nothing to us. You said his heart has to be pumping, right? How fortunate."

The two doctors raised their brows, watching the teen walk over to his grandfather.

"Thanks to Dio," Jotaro continued. "I've had practice with stopping and starting hearts." Summoning Star Platinum, the purple warrior-like Stand shoved its hand into Joseph's chest.

Grabbing the heart, the Stand began pumping it.

On the screen, there was a pulse, meaning the heart's moving. The two doctors both hurried, grabbing all the equipment to transfuse the blood from Dio's body to Joseph. After setting it up, Jotaro stopped pumping his grandfather's heart now that it was able to beat on its own. Suddenly Joseph's shriveled skin began to regain its color, his flesh was softening and stretching. The screen showed brain waves being detected.

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