Dio's Curse!

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"That thing on her forehead is the reason why she swore loyalty to Dio?" Jotaro asked, confused by what his grandfather is saying.

The Old Man nodded with a hmph.

"That's a flesh bud made out of Dio's own cells. It connects to her brain." The fortune-teller specified. "This tiny little flesh bud was implanted in her brain to influence her mind."

"In other words, the flesh bud is a controller that draws forth certain feelings." The Old Man added.

Jotaro narrowed his eyes.

"Charisma!" The Old Man cried out. "The feelings that make soldiers want to obey dictators! The feelings that make true believers follow cult leaders!" He clutched his fist and pointed at Noriko.

"This young lady admired Dio and swore her loyalty to him!"

"What are you trying to get at, Old Man?" Jotaro queried.

The Old Man cleared his throat, "What I'm trying to get at is that Dio is a charismatic figure. Meaning he can sway others with his overwhelming powers of attraction. He used that as an advantage to order this young lady, called Noriko, to kill us."

"So operate on her and remove it." Jotaro implied.

"The brain is very delicate, Jotaro. If she were to move while extracting it, we could conflict brain damage." The Old Man clarified with a sigh.

"Jojo." Avdol called out. "The following happened four months ago in Cairo, Egypt." He closed his eyes and reopened them again. "I met DIO!"

Four Months ago, Cairo, Egypt...

Avdol walked down the street in the middle of a full moon night. He was heading back to his shop, Khan el-Khalili, after making a trade with a customer.

Once entering the shop, he closed the door behind him and decided to go upstairs.

Before Avdol could take a step on the stairs to his shop's second floor, a man stood quietly at the top of the stairs by the door.

The cold gaze of the man felt as it could stealthily pierce the fortune teller's heart.

The man's golden hair, his near-transparent alabaster skin, and his strange sensuality made it hard for anyone to believe this was a man.

"T-This man...the description Mr. Joestar told me about is identical to him! This has to be him! This is DIO!" Avdol thought to himself.

Dio lifted up his hand, "I heard that you have powers that ordinary people don't. I'd be grateful if you could show them to me." He said with a silvery tone as he licked his lips.

Avdol, frightened, knew the man is truly terrifying. His words brought peace to the fortune teller's soul but with a hint of dangerous sweetness.

Dio's hair was flowing above him but Avdol could see something very dangerous on the end of Dio's hair.

"Come Avdol..." Dio said.

"AAUUUGHHHH!!!" Avdol jumped out of the window next to him.

"I must keep running! I wouldn't even think about fighting this man! Good thing I know the labyrinthine souk below like the back of my hand!"

Avdol continued running, not daring to even look back to see if he was being chased by Dio.


"If I didn't escape nor knew who Dio was, I would've end up like this young lady right here. Made into one of his followers through a flesh bud." Avdol then opened his eyes.

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