Dio's World, Part 3

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With the powerful blows from both The World and Star Platinum were trading, they slowly were being lifted up in the air. They continuously punched one after another, until they were above the rooftops.

Dio smirked and The World slipped through Star Platinum's defense and landed a punch on the purple-warrior's cheek. Jotato grunted and blood spurted from his cheek.

Dio chuckled, his hands on his hips. "Clearly The World's power and precision are superior! I think I have seen enough now, time to end this!"

"AUUGGHHH!!" Jotaro screamed.

"The time has come for me to finally eradicate what little remains of the Joestar bloodline!" Dio said. "I will end you with The World's true power!"

He spread his arms out, "THE WORLD!!" Stopping time around him.

Jotaro was frozen mid-air along with Star Platinum that was throwing punches the moment time had stopped.

Dio smirked with satisfaction and approached the high-schooler. "At last, the Joestar bloodline will finally cease to exist." He raised his hand. "To my greatest of enemies who dared interfere with my destiny... I bid you farewell!"

As soon as Dio swung his arm down to slice Jotaro's neck, Jotaro's right finger suddenly twitched. Dio instantly stopped midway and a startled gasp escaped from his mouth. His eyes widened and his blood turned cold.

He stared at Jotaro's hand, making sure that he wasn't going crazy.

It twitched again.

Dio backed away from the teen, "What?! He just moved!" He cried out. "He...! I-Impossible." He furrowed his brows. "How is he moving?!" He then recalled Jotaro's words from earlier. "N-No way... I-It can't be! They're... the same?!"

"The World and Star Platinum are the same type of Stand?!"

Dio stared at Jotaro in disbelief. He let that statement from earlier slide and didn't think much of it until now. How did Jotaro manage to move in his stop time?

"This brat... Can he see me?" Dio wondered, looking into the aquamarine eyes that glared back at him. "Or did his hand just move subconsciously?" He then tsk in annoyance since his time was running out. He moved behind the delinquent and time resumed.

Star Platinum continued throwing punches but stopped when Jotaro noticed Dio had moved. He turned around to face him.

"Were you able to see me just now?" Dio asked.

Jotaro simply stared at him with no answer.

"I asked if you were able to see me, Jotaro!" Dio demanded.

"Who's to say?" Jotaro said, "I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, Dio."

A golden aura glowed around Jotaro, similar to Dio's. He then flies away, using Star Platinum to propel himself from the buildings. Dio frowned and chased after him.

"Very well then! It matters not!" Dio shouted. "It doesn't make a difference whether you can see me or not while time is stopped! If you possess the power to move while time is stopped as I can with The World, then show me!"

Dio then began to recall a memory from six months ago when he was able to stop time for the first time. He was with Enyaba and Nimrod in his room. Enyaba was teaching him to time stop and Dio requested one of his servants to shoot him to test out The World's speed and power.

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