03. You've dug your grave

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Noah's POV

   "Can you guys shut the fuck up for like five minutes?" I question loudly over the continuous banter of my three friends in the car, as I peer up into the rear view mirror making momentary eye contact with my oldest friend Nick. His long dark locks thrown into a low bun, gauged ears on full display. He raises a thick eyebrow at me, his light eyes squinting ever so slightly. The tension was clear in my voice despite my best attempts to come off benevolently.

I flick my eyes dramatically at him, before turning my attention back to the road. My long fingers gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles go pale under the dark ink that's tattooed on them.

   "Someone is grouchy today" he retorts with a small huff.
  I sigh deeply. Despite being with him nonstop for the last three months I believe, in this moment, this is the most he's ever irked my nerves. It's like he knows how to push every already irritated button I have.  It was already bad enough that I was unbelievably jet lagged from the three hour time difference between the east and west coast, but to add salt to the wound not one of them have kept their mouths shut for the last 24 hours since we have gotten back from touring.

    "I'm not grouchy, Nicholas, I'm tired and you fucks are doing a great job of making me miserable" I reply pointedly, as I allow my eyes to wonder back to the mirror for a moment to make eye contact with him to get my point across.

   "Nana insisted that I bring all of you, or I would of left your asses at the airport" I finish before once again turning my gaze away from the three men in the back.
  I may sound harsh, but in my defense we all speak to each other in this manner. The three of them also know exactly what they are doing to pluck at my nerves today, especially after being on the go nonstop for the past 12 weeks. I just want to drive peacefully to my grandma's house, exchange some words amongst all of us, and go the fuck to sleep. However, it seems they have other plans for me.

   "You know what I think your problem is?" Nick continues as he scoots himself toward me, his body coming up to sit between me and the empty passenger seat.

   "Please enlighten me" I reply mockingly
He smiles at me slightly, his smart ass reply sitting on the tip of his tongue just waiting to strike.

   "You need to get laid, man. What's the point in having a girlfriend if you're gonna have all this pint up sexual rage" he says loudly as he shakes his head in disappointment. His comment causing our two other bandmates to audibly laugh.
I roll my eyes dramatically, before letting out a long deep sigh.

   "One, Natalie isn't my girlfriend and two, It's not sexual rage as you put it. It's called you guys act like a bunch of kids instead of grown men in your mid twenties" I offer back. My comment makes him chuckle slightly which only pokes at my already short fuse. I don't understand why he can't ever seem to leave me alone when I make it very clear that I'm in a not so great mood.

   "Well whatever she is, she clearly isn't doing the job right" he pushes, his words laced with deviance as he continues to add fuel to my fire.
  I take a long deep breath in through my nose and let it fall from my mouth. Trying to calm myself before going to see my grandmother for the first time in nearly six months.

   "Nick. Please for the love of fucking Christ. Shut. The. Fuck. Up" I say with a harsh tone, putting emphasis on every syllable.
  He rolls his eyes harshly before muttering something I can't make out, and throwing himself back into his seat. I mentally thank him for finally getting the hint and focus myself back onto the road. 

~20 minutes later ~

We all file out of the car as it comes to a screeching halt in the driveway. Everyone silently making their way to the concrete patio. I give the door a stern knocking, waiting for it to open.
  Once it does I'm met with the warm eyes of my grandma. Her mile long smile on full display as her eyes light up with glee. Her warm presence instantly mellowing out my heightened mood, the heaviness of my anger depleting from my body.

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