16. Im calling your bluff

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"Can I get another one?" I ask as I quietly as I give my cup a gentle shake to signal to the bartender my needs. He gives me a bland look as he comes over to grab the empty glass from my hands.

I offer him a meek smile in return, happy to have another vodka soda on its way. The time is currently 5 something, and I'm on my third drink as I attempt to numb the pain that's eating away at me. After leaving Missy's room I was a mess, I couldn't stop myself from coming undone, and right in the middle of the hallway. As quickly as It came was as quickly as it went however, I allowed myself a moment to release the sobs that built up. But I had things that needed to be done, so I put on my big girls pants and found the computer lounge, gathering information on plan tickets to somewhere far far away from here. I had enough money to catch a ride that departs at 4am, and maybe a few nights at a hotel, but I was prepared to do whatever it takes to keep my head above water. I had to.

The bartender returns with my drink in a timely manor, setting it down in front of me cautiously as he flashes me his best attempt at a genuine smile.

"Thank you" I say causing him to nod his head in response before he walks away to tend to another needy customer.

I take a hefty swig from the cup, feeling the liquor mixed with the ice cold club soda burn a firey hot trail down my throat and fall into my empty stomach. Causing the entirety of my body to fill with warmth. I'm thankful for the opportunity to distract my mind, it was a much needed relief. I'm not drunk, but I was surely headed down that path. I have to admit, I needed the liquid courage to fallow through with the next phase of my plan.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone take the seat to my left, the large figure sporting an all black outfit. Instantly, without an ounce of thought, I know who it is from the aroma that falls into my nose.

Vanilla and musk

    I stiffen in my chair, suddenly having my nerves on edge. I didn't do a good job at keeping my whereabouts a secret, I am occupying the bar front and center. I just didn't expect him to be so willing to take the spot next to me, i haven't prepared in the slightest to come face to face with my problems. I wasn't ready to see him nor talk to him. He doesn't attempt to speak to me, just asks the bartender for a glass of whiskey. His presences makes me stir in my spot, my hands grabbing my cup and taking several large gulps of it in hopes to soothe the unease that washes over me.

    I could get over the fact that he gave me the cold shoulder, I understood that I deserved that at the very least. What was a harder pill to swallow was him getting under someone else a few short hours after giving me, obvious, mixed signals. I should be thanking him, he reminded me just how disposable I am and how I can't let my guard down so easily.

"Is this the business you had to tend to today?" His question comes after a moment, his tone making me aware of the obvious fact that he had to audacity to be annoyed with me. That only added fuel to my fire, my skin pricking with rage as I begin to bounce my leg up and down. He's knows exactly what games he's starting, and I don't want to give him the satisfaction of getting the upper hand.

"You know how it is" I give it right back to him as I take yet another lengthy mouthful from my cup. I know I shouldn't be mixing alcohol with my already irascible mood, but all rational thinking is off the table right now.

"Do I though" he knows just how to push my buttons and he's doing a damn good job at it.

"Probably not. Your priories seem to fall somewhere between a set of legs, where mine are vastly different" I know it's a low blow, but I can't help but let the comment fall out of my mouth without a single care. I don't know where he found the sudden nerve to question me on my integrity, yet here he is.

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