07. What im about to say is gonna ruin your night

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Noah's POV
4 am
My eyes peel apart slowly as I'm met with a nearly pitch black room, the only sound being made coming from the sleeping body huddled into my side. I look down and see Veronica, her long dark hair draping around her face and sprawling onto my chest. She has her petite hand resting gently on my stomach, her other one beneath her. I can hear her breathing heavily as she's consumed by a deep tranquil slumber.

      I've never looked at her as more than a friend, our relationship never once pushing the boundaries of platonic. I would be lying if I said I never caught quick glances of her in her purest of states, all walls down and beautifully content. She's always been a dazzling girl, her eyes the purest shade of ocean blue perfectly contrasting her naturally inky black hair. Her wide smile bright enough to illuminate the darkest of rooms, and contagious enough to make even the most cynical soul lighten up. She was always so happy, so full of innocence and contently boisterous.

     She was never dealt the perfect hand in life, from her mom being absent in every aspect, to her father dying of cancer our senior year of high school she had been through far too many curveballs. She handled it all with so much grace. Which is why I wasn't surprised to see her put on her fakest of fronts in this situation. However, no matter how well she plastered toothy grins on her bruised face I could see straight through it all. I can see the storms that rage behind the curtain of her sapphire eyes. The other day when she let all her walls down momentarily with me was hard for me to deal with. I hadn't seen her seem so small in a long time, not since her dad passed away. I was thankful to had been the one to talk her down from the ledge.

It goes without saying that her bravery has always been her best attribute.

    Regardless of how innocent our relationship has always been, my drunken self decided to tight walk that fragile line. I couldn't tell if I was proud of my bravery or bewildered at my stupidity.

   I can't help but allow a red hot blush to pepper my face when I ponder over our kiss. The way she responded to my bold move, and how I didn't want to stop but ultimately had to.

   I'm pulled from my thoughts by a light vibration erupting in my pocket, signaling that a text message just came through.
Carefully and slowly I bring my free hand up and around to my pocket to withdrawal the device. The screen lighting up instantly as I do so.

I'm drunk and horny ): wish you were here to help!

      The small sentence making me roll my eyes at the desperation dripping from the sender. Natalie was someone I met a few years ago at a small club show we did in LA. She was and still is the kind of girl that's well known in the industry, and for all the wrong reasons. I met her at the bar, she was on her third drink and I was merely starting my first. She was adoring the smallest amount of clothes I've ever seen anyone wear in public, and a fuck ton of confidence. Needless to say it didn't take long before I took her to the back of our tour bus and had my way with her. To which she all but begged for. We've kept in touch for one reason and one reason only, at least on my end. I'd let her live in her own little fantasy world where I was hers and she was mine, regardless of how many times I told her that was not the case she ignored it so I couldn't be bother with correcting her. I haven't responded to a single text she's sent me since I've gotten here. And I wasn't going to start, not now not with Veronica sleeping next to me making me feel more content than I've ever felt with any other woman. She didn't need to drop her panties to make me feel something. Just looking at her caused my heart to swell and make me go weak at the knees. She's not the fiesty, smart mouthed girl she was before. She's a grown, vibrant, sensational woman despite all her woes.

    I don't know what all these new found feelings are, and I wasn't up for exploring them to try to find out. Not yet at least, not while she's still figuring out what she's doing. She could wake up any day now and drop off the face of the earth with her good for nothing ex boyfriend.
There's no telling what the future may hold for her, let alone our relationship.
I let out a sigh as I clear the notification from my screen and place my phone down next to me.

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