10. This is a call out

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The sun casted it's warm vibrant rays all across my face, as I lay on a blanket sprawled out beneath me. It was peaceful here, far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the growing city that the only reminder it's there is from the light roaring of cars every once in a while. It was a heavy contrast from what I have come accustomed to in the last few years. I can hear the birds singing faintly from somewhere in the distance, the wind whistling slightly as it picks up its pace. The aroma of autumn lingers in the air as the trees have begun shedding their leaves. It's a relief to be able to have this much needed time to myself. The last week has been nothing shy of chaotic and I needed this moment to bring myself back to reality.

"Roni! There you are" Noah's voice pulls me out of my trance as I hear his heavy footsteps descend down the porch steps as he come towards me.

"Yes?" My tone is inquisitive as I bring myself up onto my elbows, and remove my sunglasses from my eyes.

"Oh nothing really. I'm just bored" he admits with a small shrug as he lowers himself to sit beside me on the polka dot blanket I'm perched on.

"Any plans for the day?" I ask in hope to spark up some kind of conversation. Since we went to the fair yesterday things have been good between us, which was a relief. It was almost unbearable to have to live in the thick fog of awkwardness that we managed to create. It was hard enough figuring out how to handle not only having him back in my life after so much time and trauma, but the newly ignited feelings I have towards Noah make it much more difficult to do so.

I was just happy to have my friend back, regardless of any one sided emotions that were involved. I was willing to suppress those, for the sake of just having him back in my life.

"Well Nick wanted to do some band shit, but honestly I just want to hang out with you. You have to hang out with Nana all day, and no offense to her, but she can get a little stale" he admits as he begins to fidget with a piece of grass, twirling it between his thumb and index finger.

"Oh so you only want to hang out with me out of pity" I inquire jokingly.

"Well when you put it that way, it sounds bad" his admittance comes with a slight chuckle as he drops his attention from the ground and back to me. A smile pulling at his lips as he gazes at me with his beautiful mocha eyes.

"You can go if you want or need to." I tell him with a small sigh. Last thing I want is for Noah to feel guilty for leaving me to be alone. It's not his obligation to keep me company when no one else can, or to fill my boredom.

"Why don't you come with me? It's pretty nice out so maybe we can have a little cookout thing" he suggests with an enthusiastic tone, his eyes widening with eagerness.

I contemplate the idea momentarily, not sure if I'm up for much company today. Although the boys and I got on well at Orie's the other night, we were all drunk. Being sober with the group might be completely different. Folio and I have become great friends, but I can't be glued to his hip all evening. The idea alone makes my heart race unpleasantly, the palms of hands getting moist with nerves. I want to say no, but the moment I look up and watch the excitement that paints Noah's face I can't stop my heart from swelling.

"Sure. Let's do it" I finally give in, causing him to cheer out in victory. He stands on his feet quickly and does a little jig of glee.

"We can leave in like 15? If that works for you?" He suggests after his moment.

"Yeah that's plenty of time" I stand as I speak, picking up the blanket and folding it neatly into fours.

Once I get to my room it doesn't take me long to get myself together. Im not bothered to throw on anything besides an oversized band tee and some spandex shorts. I give myself a quick glance over in the mirror on my wall, seeing myself fall into view. I can't help but feel slightly exposed in my outfit of choice. Not that it's provocative in any way, but the cool air hitting my skin causes the worst kind of goosebumps to arise on my flesh. I manage to push the vomit inducing feeling to the side, before finishing myself off with a pair of socks and sneakers.

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