15. I'm not afriad to drop some names

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Something was different when I woke up, rather than the heartache i was anticipating I felt completely numb. I could no longer hear the drumming of my anxious heart echoing in my ears anymore, and the tears had dried and been replaced with swollen eyelids. My thoughts are racing in a million different directions, but somehow my mind couldn't be more clear. Regardless of the fact that my life is in complete shambles, and no matter how much of it was my own fault. I had to get over it and most importantly I had to get the hell out of Virginia.

Slowly, I sit up from the bed and attempt to allow my eyes to adjust to the bright sun that seeps in through the thin curtain. I palm them intently, hoping to wipe the sleep away. When I can finally see clearly again I begin to scan the room, stopping on Noah who's curled up in the long lounge chair to my left. He has his knees up towards his chest as he lays his head on a thin throw pillow that's most definitely only for decoration. If it were anyone else I would be shocked at their ability to even get an ounce of sleep in that worn out thing, but Noah has always had this weird capability to sleep anywhere. I shake my head slightly at the thought, pushing back the small sadness that tries to strew in my stomach at the sight. I can't afford to continue to be emotional, it's caused far too many complications in my life. Right now I need to get ready, talk to Missy and get everything ready to leave.

I stand from the bed, careful to not make any unnecessary noise while doing so. Before I make my way into the bathroom I grab the thin comforter off the bed and gently lay it across Noah's lean body. I'm sure he's cold, the temperature in here is low and I've been swallowing back bone chilling shivers since first peeling my eyes open.

I tip toe my way over to the restroom and shut the door behind me tediously, cautious to not make any abrupt movements. Thankfully, the hotel has a small supply of showering necessities neatly placed on the bathroom counter. I'm able to clean myself in a matter of minutes, carefully stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a fresh white towel. The small confined area quickly filled with hot steam, making it almost impossible to evaluate the state of my face and hair in the mirror. I can't be bothered with it too much. I throw on a new set of clothes from the target bag I left in here last night. Which consisted of the pretty much the same attire I was previously in. Folio doesn't have a clue about fashion I suppose.

I smile at the thought, regardless of the mess I've made in the last few weeks befriending him did not fall into that category. He was gracious enough to care for me, despite my many flaws.

I gather the small amount of clothes I have and throw them all into the plastic bag, tying it shut after doing so. I attempt to give myself a mental pep talk, taking a few deep breathes as I do so. I'm not sure what I'm expecting to come from today, or how to even go about any of it. As hard as I'm attempting to have a brave face about the entire ordeal I find myself still swallowing back tears. A few hours ago I was ready to dive head first into the situationship I found myself in with Noah. After finally admitting to remembering our kiss, and doing it again made me eager to explore more between us. However, just as quickly as it started it was clearly ended by the cold shoulder and silent treatment I received from him. I didn't expect him to be happy about what Jasper did, he had every reason to hate me and I was ready to endure every second of my backlash. I wanted him to despise me, to tell me how terrible I am, and how I managed to ruin everything and everyone I come into contact with. The fact that all he did was ignore me like I didn't exist was the most painful thing he could have done, and as much as I hated it I know I deserved it.

I let out a stammered sigh, attempting to push away the thoughts and opening the door to re-enter the bedroom. Instantly my eyes land on Noah, who's now sitting up from his laying position and typing harshly on his phone. The sound of his thumb pads smacking the glass fills the air as he doesn't notice my entrance. His hair is tousled around his head, giving him a mane like appearance. His eyes are puffy and red, a dead give away of the night he had. If that didn't tell me all I needed to know, the small circular purple mark on his neck did.

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