25. Ive seen seen the devil

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The next few days go by in a blink of an eye, as I tried my hardest to preserve every moment. There seemed to not be enough time in the day to take in every second Noah and I spend together. I want to appreciate it slowly, so I can keep it all in my back pocket for when he's gone and I am once again left with nothing. I feel selfish in my sadness, knowing he's fulfilling his life's purpose in a way I will never understand. The pride I have in him is almost unbearable, he is the most deserving person I think I have ever met. But like the selfish human I am, I can not help but feel undeniable loathing for the day that is slowly approaching. In 24 hours from now he will be gone, and I don't know what exactly I'll do with myself when the inevitable happens.

He planned to begin our date around noon. And I have been ready since 9am. He had to leave in the early hours of the morning, needing to get everything together before tour kicked off. I attempted to fall back asleep when he made his departure. but my eagerness got the best of me and I started getting ready entirely too early.

He has the day mapped out for us, and I couldn't be more nervous about it. He didn't detail me on on his plan, just told me to dress casual. With that in mind I carefully selected something I feel not only comfortable in, but also beautiful. I don't want to overdress, but something about a mid length dress spoke to me. The cotton material hugging my petite frame perfectly, flaring out at my waist and giving me the appearance of an hour glass figure. Thin straps keep the black and white polka dotted fabric secure and in place. It's elegant but also sexy as my left leg is showcased by the slit that runs from mid thigh down. My tresses are a wavy mess but rather than attempting to tame the beast I just threw it up in a clip, allowing some loose crinkly pieces of hair to cascade around my face. I didn't feel the need to cake on makeup, but I did bother to apply some mascara. Just for the romance my long lashes added. I feel confident in my appearance, despite having a heavy ball of nerves cultivating directly in the pit of my stomach. I don't think I have been on a date in years. At least not since my first, and only, year of college. I never thought I'd be going on a first date again, and let alone with Noah. I'm eager to see what he has planned for us, but also dreading it. I know time will fly by all too quickly and then the clock will strike 6am tomorrow morning and he will be gone. I know I'm being cynical, and only breaking my own heart. But I can't push the thought away. He has been my comfort, my safe haven, and I'm petrified of what's to come when I'm left unguarded.

I try my best to forget the thought, shaking my head in disapproval at my pessimistic thinking. I want to recall today only fondly, and I'm putting myself in the wrong head space to do so. I slip my feet into an old pair of white vans. I'm not aware of how much, or if any, walking Noah had planned for us but I do not want to risk getting sore feet. Giving myself one more look in my mirror, smiling at how well I was able to put myself together. For once I feel beautiful, as I radiate with genuine happiness for the first time in what feels like, well, ever. Regardless of the undeniable nerves or the dread I'm choking back.

I exit my room and head down the steps, reaching the bottom quickly. As soon as my feet fit the first level of the house I hear the key turning in the front door locks. Noah stepping in and our eyes meeting instantly. He appears to already have himself put together for our day. He is clad in tight black skinny jeans, a white t shirt that fits his torso loosely , and a lightweight leather jacket to top it off. His tattoo littered hand grasping a a bright red bunch of roses. He smiles widely as he takes in my appearance, stepping in fully before shutting the door behind him. He makes his approach eagerly, extending the handful of flowers to me.

"For my pretty girl" he says smoothly.

I take the bouquet from his extended hand, giving them a quick sniff before meeting his gaze again. I rise to my toe. Gaining enough heigh to plant a soft kiss on his lips before dropping back down.

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