19. You've run out of luck

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     The next few weeks fly by without any issues. We have found ourselves falling in a comfortable routine as we attempt to establish some sense of normalcy. Noah and I spending most of our time creating memories and making his home feel more like mine, or ours rather. He's assisted me in turning my room into something fit for my liking. Taking the time to help me get a nice makeup vanity set up, and even surprising me with some new clothes that better fit the California climate. Since we had our talk on the patio the other night we haven't discussed where we stand further, just letting everything come naturally. I'm still not entirely sure the status of our relationship, but lately I've found myself spending the night wrapped in his arms and being waken up by his lips meeting mine. It was a blissful newly found routine that neither one of us wanted to come to and end.

   Today has proven to be a little different than the days prior, Noah had to leave early in the morning to meet up with all the guys who flew in last night to go over some tour details. They depart at the end of next week, leaving to kick of their 3 month long tour. It came up sooner than I anticipated. I'm not sure what I'll do to fill my time when he's gone, it's hard enough to be in a new city with him here to aid me. It's nerve wracking to think about doing it alone. I plan on starting work once he leaves, I have to be able to provide for myself somehow and Noah graciously offered to let me use his car rather than take the bus. Which he says is unsafe for me to do alone. It's comforting to be able to get to this place with him, trying our best to forget about the heartache we both instilled on one another. For the first time in years it feels like I can finally breathe.

  I feel my phone begin to vibrate from within my pocket, causing me to pull away from my thoughts. I withdrawal it and see Noah's name flashing across the screen. I smile at the picture that displays of him and I making a goofy face at the camera.

   "Hey" I try to play cool, but the eagerness in my voice is clear.

  "Hey, pretty girl. What are you up to?" He sounds breathless. If I know Nicholas, and I surely do, it's safe to assume he has everyone running around completing every minor task that needs done before they leave.

   "Nothing really. I was about to jump in the shower" I take a seat on the edge of the sofa, trying to find a spot to relax so I can give him my undivided attention.

   "Without me? Rude" he says the corny line effortlessly, and if it was anyone else saying it I would roll my eyes at the stupidity of it. But his goofy attempts at flirting makes my cheeks warm up, my legs tingling at the mental picture of the two of us under the hot steamy water together.

  "There's always next time" I give my best attempt at flirting back, but I'm sure it isn't received as flawlessly as his.

   "I'll take you up on that. I was actually calling to see if you want to come out with all of us tonight?" He inquires hopefully, his tone eager.

  "You want me to come with you?" My heart swells at the offer. The simple thought of him wanting me to accompany him causes my face to warm up with pride.

  "Of course. I need a beautiful woman on my arm" his words cause my stomach to erupt with butterflies, as I bring my bottom lip into my mouth to chew on it nervously.

    "What's the occasion?" I ask

  "A release party a friend of mine is having, I don't plan on being there too long" his voice is casual as he explains. Im taken aback at his nonchalant demeanor, I guess I'm still getting used to the life of a rockstar.

   "I'd love to come" it comes out hushed as I attempt to keep my excitement at bay.

  "Good. Be ready by 9ish. I'll talk to you in a little bit. Bye babe" his words catch me by surprise, halting any response I could muster up. I'm not sure if it was a slip of tongue or not. Regardless the sweet little nickname is foreign to me, but I could definitely get used to hearing him say it.

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