08. I know what you are

949 24 5

     Five years prior


Dear Veronica Blair Madden
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the journalism program at Penn State University.

  My eyes scan over that one statement repeatedly, my heart pumping with excitement each time I reread it. A large grin pulling at my lips so tightly it causes my face to ache. After all the bullshit, and putting my best efforts forward it finally has paid off and I'm receiving the news I've been striving so hard to achieve.
   I can't help but let a small squeal of glee escape from my lips as I finally drop the expectance letter from my gasp.
In the midst of my joy I can't help but feel a little sadness prick at my chest, not being able to share this news with my dad makes it terribly bittersweet.  He always pushed me go above and beyond and never stop trying for the things I wanted in life. He instilled in my head that nothing was ever out of reach, and to never settle for less than my worth. I can only imagine how proud of me he would be, and how he would most likely wake me up in the morning with every piece of Penn state merchandise he could get his hands on. It was only a few months ago that he was helping me ready myself to send out this very application, and now here is my acceptance letter. That thought alone makes me smile softly to myself. The sadness in my heart causing a small tear to slip from my waterline and trickle down my cheek.
I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear the driveway moan under the tires of Noah's blue car as he pulls in. His speakers blasting a slipknot song that I can hear rattling his old mirrors as he bobs his head in the front seat. I can't help but snicker slightly at the innocent nature of his actions, how carefree he truly is even when he doesn't suspect a soul is watching. I observe him cautiously, watching as he air drums along his steering wheel and bangs his head to the beat. His smile never once leaving his lips as he relishes in his own little world. I don't think I've ever met anyone in my life quite like Noah. Someone full of so much laughter and love ready to share every ounce of it with anyone willing to take it. He is the keeper of my secrets, the protector of my fragile heart. I don't think I've ever met anyone as gentle and patient as him, his tender soul full of more love than anyone is worthy of. Watching him In his own little world puts my throbbing heart at bay, seeing him smile a wide toothy grin.
After a few moments he looks up and we lock eyes, causing him to snap out of his actions and give me a heart warming grin as he raises his hand to wave at me. I giggle, giving him a small wave of my own in return as I watch him depart from the driver side door.

   "Whatcha up to Roni?" His voice is light and cheery as he calls out, locks his doors and walks towards the patio steps i am  sitting on.
  "Not much" I hum back softly as I place my arms over the letter that's sitting in my lap. I want to tell him my exciting news, but I have to wait for the right moment. The only down side of getting into my dream school is the fact that it's a lengthy drive north from my closest companion.

   "Well I have some amazing news" he exclaims joyfully as he takes a seat next to me on the step. He turns to face me, his honey eyes dancing with an abundance of elation.

He looks at me for a moment, his smile never once flatlining as I watch his mouth open and close as he tries to forms the words.

   "Well spit it out, dumbass" I say with a chuckle as I shove his shoulder playfully

    "WE GOT SIGNED!" He howls as he brings his arms up and out to pull me into a tight embrace.
Im taken aback as I try to dissect his words.

   "W-what? Like the band? You guys got a label?" I stammer bewilderedly as he pulls away from our hug. He keeps me at arms length as our eyes connect, I can see small tears pooling at his waterline. His cheeks flush with excitement.

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