30. Ruin your night

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  One month later

The room is dark and still. My eyes fixed on the brass doorknob that isn't quite centered. I can hear thudding feet as they get louder and louder. Making their malicious approach. Every moan in the floor chips away at my nerves, causing a frost like chill to erupt throughout my body. I try to scream but nothing comes out. Even with every ounce of bass I can feel vibrate my chest, not even the slightest sound falls from my chapped lips. The foot steps stop outside of the room, I can see the dark shadow as it stands on the other side of the door.

    "Veronica" it's Jasper, just like I expected. He's taunting me by calling out my name. Knowing he has me cornered and I can't expect his wrath.

  I shake my head no, as if he can see my protests. Bringing my boney knees up to my chest, hugging them closely before slamming my eyes shut.

  Please just go away.

I hear the door crack as he throws his body into it. Not forceful enough to break it down, but just enough to taunt me. He knows he has me trapped, there's no way out. He gives it another ram, this time hard enough to crack the fragile wood that serves as the only barrier between the two of us. Tears as hot as magma filling my eyes to the brim before they fall down my cheeks. I'm scared, if that's even a good enough word to sum up the fear that plagues me. My body trembling harshly as he continues to throw his bodyweight into the door, cackling evilly as he hears me heaving for breath. It's a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds, before he breaks the door down and has his way with me. I wish Noah was here to hold me, tell me it was all going to be okay. Even if it wasn't. I knew I should have hugged him tighter the last time I saw him, kissed him harder and told him just how much he means to me. But it was too late now. He's gone. Living his dreams while my worst nightmare unfolds right before my eyes. I'm not religious, but right now I'm praying for a miracle. Anything.

   Jasper gives the door its finale blow. It comes off the henges and crumbles to the ground. I see his Cheshire grin taking up his face, eyes black with the evil power he knows he has over me. For the first time I make a sound, screaming so loudly it rings in my ears.

   I gasp for breath. jolting up from bed as I try to steady my staggered breathing. My heart drumming in my ears.

  Another nightmare.

  But this time it felt so fucking real. My face wet with the unwilling tears that had fallen from my eyes, neck clammy from my nerves that are undeniably on edge. I feel sick to my stomach, as my mouth becomes moist with drool. I know the feeling all too well, I have been waking up with hot flashes so intense they induce a sickly vomiting spell. I throw the covers off of me before darting for the bathroom. My cheeks hallowing out to prepare for the bile that quickly rises in my throat. Thankfully I make it to the toilet in time to empty my guts in it. I didn't want to clean my vomit up off the floor, not again.

  I wipe my mouth with a small piece of toilet paper after I finish, flushing away the regurgitation before coming up to my feet. I walk over to the sink, taking a mouth full of Listerine. Swishing it around for a minute before spitting it out. Nausea still looming over me, but feeling better from the release.

  I could attempt to go back to bed, but truth be told it always ends up being a losing battle. It's roughly 7am anyway, may as well start my day.

   I throw one of Noah's plush robes over my body, needing the warmth to help sooth the bone chilling tingles that wash over me. Maybe I'm getting the flu, but I can't afford to miss work. It's only my second week. I push the thought away as I begin to brew my morning pot of coffee. Nothing can stop me from going anyway, it's been a much needed distraction from the war that wages in my head.

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