21. I need relief

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He gives me an intense gaze, eyes scanning my face as he takes in every emotion I'm sure I'm not hiding. Despite my best attempts to remain calm, my apprehension is all too clear. I have no poker face, anyone could read me like a picture book.

"We don't have to" he's being sincere as he brings his hand up to rid my face of fallen hair.

"I'm scared" my confession comes out hushed as I begin to feel embarrassed by the stupidity of it. I'm a grown woman and here I am, getting scared about going past first base.

"Why?" His confusion is clear by the way his eyebrows furrow together.

"This is gonna change everything" it's the truth, whether we become more or not this is a defining moment in our lives together. Whether we cross the line that was spent so long building or be still just to stay safe.

"Regardless of what happens between us. I don't intend on letting you get away from me again"

His words were all I needed, as soon as they fell into my ears. I knew

I crash my lips against his again. He pulls my shirt up and over my head, leaving me in a bralette and panties. Never in my entire life have I been this exposed to him, but I couldn't find anything wrong with our new position. Our lips rejoined after he takes a moment to look me over, smiling at what he sees.

I begin to fidget with the waistline of his pants, pulling the tied drawstring loose and gaining enough courage to slowly slip my hand between the thin cotton pants and his moisture wicking boxers. His excitement is all to clear by the the hard tent at his groin, my hand slowly palming it. I earn a loud moan from him at my actions, his head pushing deep into my pillow.

Knowing I have his approval I continue to feel him up, taking extra caution in applying just enough pressure to his tender spots. His hips buck into my hand, begging for more.

"Please, roni. Fuck" he manages to bed between sharp breaths, as he slips his hands into the front of my underwear.

I suck in a breath as I feel his otherwise cold fingers press firmly against my warm center. The undeniable contrast sending an electric shiver down my spine, my body stiffening with pleasure. He works down below for a while, finding a rhythm that hits my needs. I begin to feel my stomach swell with pleasure, it won't take much longer before I come undone. I can tell he senses my shift in demeanor, causing him to withdrawal his hand and flip me over so he now hovers above me.

I can't help but let out a small giggle, feeling on top of the world. In all my years I have never felt this way before, so giddy and untroubled. I may have had my reservations at first, but I could not be happier with the choice I made. The choice we made.

He carefully removes what was left of his clothings, maintaining eye contact as he does the same to me. For the first time ever I am bare beneath his gaze, feeling an entirely new level of exposed. I watch as he scans my body, taking his time to absorb every detail of me.

Slowly, he brings his hand up and around the back of my neck. Lifting me up off the pillow to plant tender kisses along the clammy flesh. The light stubble that had begun to grow in above his lip provoking goosebumps to breakout across my entire being.

I'm eager as anticipation builds between us, needing more in order to find some kind of relief. I lean into him, getting close enough to his ear I can feel his lobe rub against my lip ever so slightly. It causes him to stir above me, as he takes a sharp breath in. Knowing the effect I have on him does nothing but inflate my ego, a grin taking over my face.

"Noah.. please. " it comes out breathless. Placing my hands on his ass to lower him down and signal to my needs. Im all for foreplay, and any other circumstance I wouldn't mind the build up. But right now I want nothing more than for him to get inside of me.

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