11. You said I'd never make it

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"You're such a whore. Prancing around with your face painted up like a damn clown and your fucking tits hanging out! You wanted him to flirt with you, it pumps up your already far too big ego! You liked the way he touched up on you and grabbed your pathetic body"

He spits venom at me, his words echoing in my head as he wails his insults directly into my ear. I can smell the pungent sour odor of the whisky he has been drinking all night fanning on my face as he lowers his position to be nose to nose with me. His eyes are cold and sharp as he glowers into my own, half shut from the alcohol that rages through his system.

I take in a sharp breath and forcefully swallow as I ready myself for what I know is to come.

"You disgust me"


I blink away a few tears as I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. For the first time in what I know is years, I allowed myself to get dolled up. Spending the greater part of two hours fixing my otherwise frumpy appearance. Putting on heavy eye makeup and coating my lips in a deep wine red color. Thankfully, the bruise across my face is almost completely diminished. The only noticeable traces left are a few yellow and green spots that pepper my cheek lightly making it much easier to conceal.

I can't push back the insecure feeling that starts to creep up on me as I continue to gawk at myself. A cluster of goosebumps begin to collect on my skin, as an all too familiar burning sensation begins to churn in the center of my stomach causing me to feel disgusted with myself. I look like someone other than myself, a girl who may come across as promiscuous and yearning for all the wrong attention. I want to blend in with the crowd tonight, not be distinct and get singled out as someone I'm not. I'm the type of woman who prefers to blend in with the shadows, skating through life without an ounce of recognition.

A slight knock against the bathroom door snaps me out of my trance.

"Veronica. Are you ready?" The soft feminine voice of Danielle calls from the other side.

Nick suggested that the two of us attend the concert together, considering all four boys were far too busy today to assist us in anyway. I was thankful to have some much needed girl time. Danielle and I are no strangers either, making it much more enticing to spend the evening together.

"Yeah, just trying to make sure I look fine. Come in" I answer back.

She gives the doorknob a quick twist and pushes it open. Her petite structure comes into view, clad in a floor length black maxi dress her chunky heeled boots exposed by a slit that runs from mid thigh down. Her beautiful eyes are framed in dark eyeliner with long false eyelashes to compliment it.

"You look hot" I admit after scanning her body up and down. A large smile plasters itself on her face at my words.

Danielle and I were never the closest of friends, only becoming amicable with each other since Noah and Nick were always attached at the hip. Despite the fact that we never attempted to build a stronger bond, we were able to get on like two people who had been friends for years. A fact that I'm grateful for, especially given the circumstances surrounding the situation we are in now.

"Me? Look at you!" She compliments me back provoking a sickening tingle to arise on my flesh again. I know her words hold no malice, it just reminds me of the fact that despite my best attempts to put myself together appropriately I seemed to have failed. I don't want any attention of that nature on me, so I tried to take all precautions needed to assure that.

"Thanks! I try to clean up nicely" I lie through my teeth that I flash in a fake smile.

"Oh by the way, the Lyft is like five minutes away, and Nick is gonna be waiting for me to tell him we are there so he can escort us to their dressing room" she gives me the run down as I quickly rid myself of the old t shirt I was in and throw on a black strapless top.

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