24. You said I'd make a mistake

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"Are we fucking there yet?" Folio calls out breathlessly from a few feet behind me. I can hear him wheeze slightly, his face beet red and clammy.

"Quit your bitching! Like five more minutes" I try to suppress my laugh as I answer him.

He lets out a frustrated sigh not pleased with my answer and muttering what I am assuming is profanities under his breath. Truthfully, I'm just as out of shape as him but he seems to be struggling a lot more. I don't think either of us anticipated our hike to take this long, or have this big of an impact on our bodies. We have been walking for about two hours straight on a steep incline. I can vaguely see the our stopping point in the distance, knowing we are so close wills me to keep pushing. I can feel the sweat beading at my hairline and I'm sure there is a wild nest of curls at the base of my neck.

My calculations are correct and after five more pain stacking minutes we finally reach the overlook. We can see the entire city from our spot, everything appearing minuscule as I peer over. We have to be hundreds of feet in the air. Below the rocky surface we perch on is a long roaring river. The water breaking open briefly as it rolls over jagged rocks. It's a breathtaking sight. For the first time in nearly a month I'm surrounded by nothing but the sound of the rapids below me. It's an unusual piece of serenity, as I close my eyes and take a long deep breath.

"Woah, what a view" Folio comes up behind me as he speaks.

I hum in agreement, not wanting to taint the calm atmosphere with my voice. We sulk in the silence for a while longer. Letting the warmth of the sun absorb into my skin as the mountain breeze pushes my hair around me. It's peaceful, and that's something that comes few and far between. I can smell the pine trees that collect like a fortress around us, as I hear baby birds chirping from the distance.

After a while we find a place to settle, Folio unpacking the ham sandwiches and chips he packed for us. I left him in charge of lunch, and he promised me the finest cuisine he can make. I suppose this is the best he's got, and all though it's no lobster, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at his thoughtfulness. He made sure to cut my crust off, just the way I liked it and even got me my own separate bag of BBQ chips. My heart swells at his gesture, seeing a proud smile pull at his lips as he shows off the spread.

"What do you think?" He asks eagerly. I can hear the worry that he tries to hide behind a chipper tone, knowing deep inside he wants my approval.

"I think it's perfect! Thank you" I give him a sincere smile as I take a seat next to him on a large boulder.

We start to devour our food. The five mile hike emptying our stomachs completely and provoking a ravenous hunger. We finish in what feels like only a few minutes, not once speaking as our mouths remain full.

"So, when are you and Noah gonna get married?" He jokes suddenly, causing me to choke on the chip I'm attempting to swallow. I can feel my eyes widen in surprise. I know it's all in lighthearted fun, but that doesn't stop the bewilderment from taking over.

"We are NOT getting married. We are just... fucking" I say as I clear my throat by chugging down a bottle of water.

"Better you than anyone else I guess" he mutters under his breath, I know he doesn't mean for me to hear him. But when he realizes I do his face morphs into one of concern
"Shit. Sorry I didn't .. I didn't mean it like.. like that" he trips over his words as he tries to cover his track.

I want to question him on his statement, but the large eyes and hanging mouth indicate that it's not a topic to be taken lightly. And I'm not sure if I'm ready to hear about Noah's past.

"I think we are actually starting to take things a littler further.. officially speaking " I try to shift the dynamic between us, and my attempts are well received by the happy look that paints his face.

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