26. Shut your eyes

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He stalks me like his prey for a moment. A feral hunger blackening his already dark eyes. He scans my nearly nude body, licking his lips like an animal who hasn't eaten in days. He undresses himself, maintaining eye contact as he does so. I watch as he pulls his shirt up and over his head, exposing his boldly decorated stomach and chest. He slides down his pants leaving him to stand in his boxer that tent at the center. The sight alone is enough to take me to the edge, as I feel my panties moisten with arousal. He takes his steps slowly, eyes fixed on my body as he scans me. He's taking his time, he knows exactly what game he's playing and he does it well. Leaving on the edge. If he didn't reach me when he did I wouldn't have lasted much longer under the anticipation.

"You're driving me crazy, baby" he whispers as he comes close to my ear. The words leaving his mouth and fanning my neck with his warmth, causing my body to erupt with a swarm of goosebumps. He brings his mouth down to connect with my neck, sucking on the spot and giving it a gentle nip as he pulls away. The sensation causing my core to burn with desire my mouth falling open to let out a throaty moan.

He pushes me back to lay on the bed, somehow managing to unclasp my bra in the process. My breast fall out and expose themselves to him. He doesn't hesitate to quickly dips his head down to take a nipple into his mouth, kneading away at the other. I feel him run his slick tongue over the sensitive spot before he brings it between his teeth and squeezes. He must have a thing for biting, not that I'm complaining. The slight sting it provokes does nothing but ignite the hot fire between my legs, need quickly rising up the entirety of my body.

He pushes my underwear to the side, sliding his fingers over my wet slit. He releases a moans at the river that's flooded between my legs, fingers slick as he finds my clit and begins to draw circles. I quickly become a mess as he works my tender knob, my vision blurring with blinding pleasure. "Fuck" it comes out desperate as I fight to catch my breath between the strained groans. He knows exactly how to bring me to the edge, my stomach quickly tightening with my build up. He pulls away before I can cum, my stomach dropping instantly at the lack of contact. I bring myself up to rest on my elbows, as I give him a bewildered expression.

"Not yet, baby" he says as he gives me a lust drunk smile.

"Also, I'm sorry" he adds in. I'm confused for a second but quickly realize what he is referring to when he's ripping apart the crotch of my panties and fishnets. I'm not sure what has gotten into him all the sudden, but his dominance makes my pussy throb in the most intoxicating way.

I keep my position, watching him as he rids himself of his boxers and steps between my legs. His hard tip sliding up and down a few times along my fold before he slams into me. I throw my head back as he quickly begins to pound into my sex. Finding a hard rhythm as he begins to work me. Our sweaty skin connecting loudly, as we both moan out in pleasure. I watch as he throws his head back, his pace quickening. I know it won't be long before he's spilling and I want him to fill me up. He digs his fingers into my hips. It's harsh and I know there will be a few bruises there that I'll wear with pride. It was ownership at its finest, and I wanted nothing more than to belong to him. He begins to growl as I feel his orgasm fill me up, his pace slowing down as he unloads.

"Fuck, baby." He kisses my neck as he pulls his now limp member out of me. Leaning down as he tries to catch his breath. "I'm sorry. I know you didn't finish"

I run my hands threw the dampness that had built at the base of his neck, feeling his moist hair between my fingers. "No. Don't apologize! I loved every second" even if I didn't get the chance to finish, it was still a bliss filled experience. He buries his head into the crock of my neck, earning a moan from me as he licks the sensitive area.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm not done with you yet"

He repositions himself, dropping down to be eye level with my throbbing core.

"Fuck. You look so good filled with my cum" he begins to lick up the mess that spilt out onto my thighs.

I let out a feral moan, my brain colliding with how dirty but how right it felt. This is a completely bizarre situation to me, but I didn't want it to be the last time he cleaned up after himself.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck"

He groans, hungrily cleaning up my thighs and then making his way over to my core. He slides his tongue over my entrance, pushing it in and out slowly.

"You taste so good filled with my cum, baby" his voice is muffled as he speak, the vibrations of his mouth sending a tingle up my spine.

I whimper as lust sears through me, and the muscles in my pussy clench with greediness. I need to be filled. He murmurs his approval, sliding two fingers inside of me as he brings his mouth to cup my clit. He pumps in and out of me fast, his fingers and tongue working together to create a sensual symphony as the build up in my stomach quickly returns. I dig my nails into his hair, pulling him closer as the burn returns between my legs. I know I won't last much longer. He needs to be closer.

"That's it baby. Cum for me" his words push me over the edge and I messily fall into a toe numbing orgasm as it crashes around me with such force my legs get too weak for me to hold up and they fall limp onto the bed. He pulls his fingers from within me, catching my gaze as he brings them up to his mouth and sucks them clean.

He hums in approval.

  Instead of actually cleaning up, he just crawls back onto the bed and wraps me in his arms. I'm not sure what the time is, I just know the sun is no longer shinning and my body doesn't have enough strength to keep me up. I don't think I've had such a euphoric release before, my mind cloudy as pure ecstasy built up in me. Truthfully, a real orgasm was few and far between with Jasper. Something I had quickly gotten used to. I almost forgot how it felt to have my needs met.

I interlock our fingers, scooting back to get as close as possible. As much as I didn't want this day to come to and end, my body couldn't stay up much longer. I do my best to take in every detail about him. From the way the tattoos on his fingers stand out boldly against his pale skin. The lettering consisting of dark swirls and clean lines. His hands are the softest one I've ever held, almost like luxury cashmere. His legs that seemed to go on for miles, and how they lead into his large tattooed feet. I'm going to miss the way the ends of his hair curled up slightly, especially after engaging in physical activity. The way his soft voice sounded in my ears, how his honey eyes would melt away my worries and I could stare and get lost in them for hours. They paint beautiful pictures of the calm after the storm, golden lakes of warmth.

Above all else, I think what I'll miss the most his the warmth he provided. How he managed to make me feel more safe in the last few months than I have ever felt in my entire life. The sadness that the thought alone provokes nearly makes me sob. But I manage to hold strong. I don't know why, but this feels like more than just a see you later. It feels like goodbye.


Ahhhhhh. Well that was... steamy! We are so close to the end and its so bittersweet! I'm trying to hold it off for as long as possible.


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