13. When he has you by your neck

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   It took roughly three excruciating hours for us to be informed about Missy's state, and the extent of her injuries. We were told she had to get a tray of stitches in her hand and foot due to a deep wound, and was examined for a minor concussion she acquired. Hearing the news felt like having the weight of a million bricks upheaved off my chest. I don't know what I would do if anything serious happened to her, especially considering the fact that it was my fault Jasper singled her out. I was waiting to bring up my revelation on who the assailant was that carried out the nefarious crime. It was almost impossible to bring myself to say it out loud, knowing I single handedly brought the devil right to their doorstep brings me an insufferable amount of guilt. This is my fault, and I hate myself for that fact. Soon enough they will too, and for all the right reasons. I just can't bring myself to do it now, I needed to live in this blissfully ignorant bubble just a little longer before I have to pack myself up and leave them to live in peace.

Currently, we are waiting outside the front sliding doors for Missy to be brought out by a nurse. She would be wheeled out at any moment, which meant my time was running out. I'm positive she knew exactly who attacked her, it wasn't a hard conclusion to come to even with little evidence. I wanted to be the one to break the news to Noah, it was my burden to bare.

"Noah.." I manage to choke out, my heart pumping violently in my ears, causing them to ring ever so slightly.

My words cause his attention to snap to me, eyes glossy with the tears he's been fighting back all night. The poignant expression coating his usually jubilant face causes my heart to fall, the pit of my stomach twisting with distaste. I knew this would be hard, but watching his puffy eyes bat at me with such vulnerability made it a much harder feat.

I open my mouth in attempt to come clean, my lips peeling apart due to the sudden dryness that soaked up any moisture. I tried to speak, but no words came out. I opened and shut my mouth what felt like a hundred times trying to say something, anything.

"What's wrong, roni?" He speaks with a somber tone, his voice just above a whisper as it cracks slightly.

I can feel my eyes begin to burn with tears, the stinging causing me to clasp them shut tightly in attempts to keep the sob at bay. I can't bring myself to come clean with him. The harsh truth being too painful to admit, as much as I need to I can't. It feels like I was just able to get my life in some what of an order. However, like the sick cosmic joke I am, the universe decided to put an end to my happiness. I admit, I got comfortable with the new people in my life, and very quickly. Despite the fact it felt like I didn't quite fit in, I was content. I was secure.

Now the little safety blanket I cocooned myself in has been ripped away and I'm left unarmed. Exposed to the vile and sick world around me, vulnerable to the evil I have made myself blind to.

"I have t-to tell you s-something" it comes out curtly as I'm no longer able to fight back the violent wails that leave my mouth.

My body begins to tremble uncontrollably as Noah places a comforting hand on my thigh. He allows me to take a moment to collect myself, as I take in a few lengthy deep breaths in attempts to settle my nerves.

"You're gonna hate me after I tell you this, but i need to be the one to tell you" I'm able to get the statement out semi confidently, despite feeling the exact opposite of it. I don't dare to look him in the eyes, I know it will only make this confession more difficult.

"Jasper did this .." it comes out weakly, but loud enough I know he can hear me. It's silent after I speak, the only sound coming from the rain that began to fall harshly again about an hour ago. After what feels like an eternity of agonizing silence, I muster up enough courage to peer around at Noah. He sits in the driverseat silently, his eyes fixed straight ahead as he doesn't move or make the slightest noise. He has one hand clutching the steering wheel tightly, so much so that his knuckles have begun to turn pale under the dark ink that stains his skin.

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