09.You have no one but yourself to blame

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   Present day

    The last few days have gone by with ease, as I've found myself falling into a comfortable routine. Every morning missy and I get up within an hour of each other, we sit and chat over some coffee before making breakfast for us and Noah, sometimes Folio would join us if his other two friends didn't tag along as well. Him and I have formed a close friendship, even with him being a few years younger than me. We have bonded over our shared love of fishing and hiking, even planning on taking a nature filled day trip sometime before they leave for their next tour in two months. Since it's still warm outside I've been helping Missy tend to her garden, some days doing it on my own for hours to occupy my busy mind. The upside to having so much newly found free time is that I have gotten a lot accomplished. All of my clothes are now unpacked and into my dresser drawers neatly. Getting the small guest room set up like my own once again. For the few months that I lived with Missy and Noah back in high school this very room was once mine.

      It's been exactly five days since Noah and I kissed, but who's counting.
Our interactions have been very minimal if at all. We will exchange a few friendly words over breakfast and make some small talk if we find ourselves in the same room together to avoid an awkward silence. Most of the time he leaves around noon and stays gone until sometime late in the evening.
Today proves to be no different than the days prior, Noah has left to go meet with Jolly and Nick at Orie's airbnb to get some last minute details figured out about a show they have coming up at the canal club the day after tomorrow. After making an early small lunch for the two of us, Missy has also left to go spend the rest of the day with her sister a few hours north. Leaving me to sit with myself and my thoughts.

     The greater part of my day has been spent just watching tv, catching up on whatever popular reality show or soap opera that was playing on one of two channels I found intriguing. I've probably consumed more mint chocolate ice cream than one person should in a three hour period, I make a mental note to not only apologize to Noah but reimburse him for devouring it all.
  It's currently 3:08 and I've sufficiently ran out of things to do to occupy my boredom. With no phone at my disposal to fill my free time with aimless social media scrolling it seems as if I must feed my ennui with some other vise.

     "Veronica" I hear Folio's voice bounce off the walls as he calls my name through the empty house. His abrupt entrance startles me as I l sit on the edge of my bed. I wasn't expecting company this evening, not that anyone would be able to get ahold of me in order to make plans.

"I'm in my room" I call back softly as I hear his footsteps approaching. The sound of his heavy feet echo in my ears as I wait for him to arrive at my closed door. When he does he gives my doorknob a quick clockwise turn, as he pushes it open.

  "Get ready we are going to the fair" he demands as he emerges into my space. He's dressed in causal attire, a neat pair of khaki shorts adoring his lower half as his torso is clad in a graphic tee. Instead of his usual beanie, he has a backward facing black baseball cap hugging his head.

   "Well good afternoon to you too" I answer back  cutly as he walks over to plop his ass down on my bed.
  He cocks his head at me an unamused expression playing at his feature, eyebrows furrowed. I've gotten used to his sassiness over the last few days.

    "There's no time to be a smart ass, Veronica. We have things to do" he expresses with a frustrated huff as he throws himself back onto my bed and peers up at the ceiling dramatically.

    "Who says I want to be involved in this nonsense" I counter, watching his eyes bulge at my words. I enjoy getting a reaction out of him, which has proven to be quite easy, watching his face contort with confusion at my words invokes small chuckles from me.

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