06. True color always fade under the right lights

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    I manage to take a quick shower and fix my hair and makeup all in a matter of 30 minutes. I didn't do much to myself aside from applying a heavy layer of foundation to cover up the slowly diminishing eye sore on my face, and letting my black hair dry to its natural slightly wavy state. I get dressed in black sweatpants and a white slightly cropped t shirt, not bothering to dress myself in anything other than comfortable attire. I can't help but feel nervous as I make my way back downstairs and stand in the kitchen to wait for Noah to make his appearance so we can leave and head over to the small house party we plan to attend.

    "I'm glad you're getting out for a little" Missy speaks as she enters the room from behind me. I whip around to face her, seeing her dressed down in a white pajama set and matching robe and slippers.

     "Oh yeah. I figured I'd give you a night to yourself anyway. I'm sure you could use the peace and quiet" I say back trying to make light conversation as she walks over to start a kettle for nightly cup of hot tea.

     "Just make sure you're taking it easy. I don't think you have enough food in your stomach to soak up cold medicine, let alone liquor" she scolds slightly with her back turned to me. Her comment takes me aback for a moment, not used to someone caring much about my well-being. Despite her tone being stern, I know she comes from a place of genuine concern.

     "I know. I'm gonna take it easy. And I'm gonna try to take better care of myself" I admit shyly as I lean back on the countertop and bring my arms up to hug my chest tightly.

     "I know it's hard, butterfly. It's going to be hard for who knows how long, but you have all of us that care about you. We don't wanna see you this way." She speaks with a soft tone, her words dripping with melancholic emotion as she finally turns to look at me. Her glossy eyes beam into my own, feeling as if she is looking straight through me into my soul.

Missy was always the mother both Noah and I never really had, and she was the one to take me in after my father died so I wouldn't be thrown into the system until I turned 18. She was one of the people in this world that I owed the most to, and probably the person I stabbed in the back the deepest when I made all my naive choices.
  I begin to open my mouth to speak, but I'm cut off by Noah walking into the room. He's dressed in a beige hoodie and black basketball shorts. His fully decorated legs on full display. I'm glad I'm not the only one who took the casual approach this evening. He smiles at me as he walks over to Missy to give her a tight hug.

   "Love ya Nana." He offers her once they part

   "You better be smart tonight and please keep my girl safe" Missy speaks sternly to Noah as she points at me
Her words cause him to chuckle slightly, and roll his eyes sarcastically.

    "I promise I promise" he reassures as he drops his arms from around her and brings them up in mock surrender

    "Ready to go?" He speaks again, but this time to me. He moves around the corner of the small island that sits neatly in the middle of the kitchen, grabbing a set of keys off of it as he does so.
I shake my head yes and begin to walk with him towards the door, but not before walking over to missy and wrapping her in a warm embrace of my own.

We make our way outside, Noah rounding the side of the house in which I follow. The gravel that lays on top of the worn down grass crunching slightly beneath the weight of my feet. The motion light flickers on as we walk in it's path, Only to reveal an old deep blue Honda civic.

     "No fucking way you still have this?" I question loudly with a hysterical laugh. The same car he was sporting when he first got his license at 16. After all the trouble we got into with this thing all those year ago I am surprised it's still running.

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