28. More than I've seen god

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This chapter will contain descriptions of rape and abuse. Reader desecration is STRONGLY advised.
will indicate the beginning and end of the scene. Feel free to skip over those parts or the entire chapter if you feel any discomfort. Although the scenes are censored it will be mentioned briefly afterwards.

    I'm not sure who, but someone caries me back into what I can only assume is my house. I'm half conscious as I feel whoever it is lay me down on a plush surface.I can't move or speak, the world around me looking and feeling like an old static tv screen. I can hear light banter from somewhere in the distance, but can't make out a word that's being said. I try to will myself up, but I can't find a ounce of strength to do more than crank my head around to take in my cloudy surroundings. I can pick up on the sweet smell of my house, knowing I'm sprawled across the living room sectional. There's banter from somewhere behind me, their words muffled and unclear. My eyes struggling to stay open, my mind fighting for consciousness.

   "Hey, babes. I think you drank a little too much. Rest up" I know it's Nat speaking to me, I can tell by her sickly sweet timbre that falls into my ears. I manage to nod my head in agreement, feeling myself begin to go in and out of blackness.

  My eyes get heavier with each passing second, I try to fight it off but there's no use.

I awake a few hours later, fry eyes peeling apart to reveal a still fuzzy room. My throat radiating a ravenous thirst. With a shaky breath I hoist myself onto my feet and head towards the steps. All I want is my bed. My head spinning uncontrollably, causing my already inebriated vision to fade in and out of darkness. I've never been this fucked up, it must of been the back to back shots and lack of food in my stomach to soak it up. As I begin my descent down the hall and towards the steps I hear a loud knock bellow through the silent house.




  It rings through the entire building harshly, the abrupt and thunderous noise making me jump slightly while I stand in the hallway like a deer stuck in headlights. I swallow harshly as the knocking begins to make my ears ring, my heart rate increasing rapidly causing an even heavier wave of dizziness to wash over me.

  Slowly I allow my legs to cautiously guide me back in the direction of the front door. One prudent step after another as the banging on the door continues.

    I bring a shaky hand up and sluggishly palm the brass doorknob. Apprehensively, I turn the handle clockwise and pull the door open slowly. The small crack in the door isn't enough to Illuminate the face on the other side, so I pull it back a bit more to allow the small amount of light in the house to light up the figure. It takes me a moment to gather myself and recognize the eyes staring back at me, but when I do I can feel all the air get kicked from my lungs, my heart pounding so hard against it's rib encasing I can hear the blood pumping through in my ears.

   There, with all his rage filled beauty stands the vexed face of Jasper. His already deep brown eyes almost black, as his pointed chin is clenched tight in anger. Disgust and anguish dressing his features as he furrows his eyebrows tightly.

  "I knew I'd find you" he announces malevolently

   A fearful scream slips from my lips as I hoist my body weight into the door to slam it shut, but before I can close the gap Jasper forces his much stronger structure between the door and its frame. His body now halfway through the threshold as I put every ounce of strength into pushing him out and shutting the opening.

     "Please Jasper just leave" I cry out as sobs begin to wrack through my body, my breathing becoming difficult as panic begins to take my ability to pull a full breath.

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