18. You said I'd fall on my face

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     My eyes peel apart slowly, taking a moment to adjust to the change of brightness. I can feel the stiffness in my neck that radiates into my shoulders. Sleeping on the sofa wasn't the plan for my first night, but truthfully I don't even remember falling asleep. It takes me a moment to register my surroundings, my body weighed down and all too familiar intoxicating musk swallows the air around me. For the second time I wake up entrapped in Noah's extremities. The strength of his arms securing me down against the couch as he nestles his head into my neck. I feel this breath fan against my skin, provoking chills to break out along my flesh with each exhale he takes. Unlike the time prior, I don't fight against it. I just allow myself to sulk in the comfort he provides. I don't remember falling asleep, let alone some how managing to get tangled within Noah. I have to admit, it does feel nice to wake up in his arm. Regardless of everything that's been going on. At this very moment it all seems worth it for even a second of peace.

"Good morning" he murmurs from behind me after a while, the vibration of his voice sending a tingle down my spine as he speaks lowly. His morning voice is attractive to say the least, a fact made quite evident by the butterflies that breakout in my stomach at the sound of it.

"Did you sleep well?" I try to push away the feeling as I slowly turn my body to face him, seeing his eyes half shut with the sleep that looms around.

"Surprisingly yes. I think it was the best sleep I've had in a while" his admittance comes with a drawn out sigh of contentment. Despite being in a compromising position with one another we cant seem bat an eye at it. Regardless of how wrong we both know it is, it feels right. Much like Noah I admit that I slept better last night than I have in a long time, almost as if my body knew it could unwind for a few hours.

"I have some errands I need to run today, do you want to tag along?" He asks as he brings up a free hand to rid my face of the matted down hair my deep sleep caused. I'm surprised at his inquisition, not anticipating him to want my company.

"I would love to, but I need to shower and get unpacked" I try to let him down gently.

Watching as his face falls with disappointment at my words, he seems understanding. Not trying to push the subject any further. It doesn't take long before we find ourselves unwrapped from each others embrace, and starting the separate parts of our day. Noah informed me that he would be gone for a few hours, he had some things to tend to.

I spend some time carefully unpacking the scarce amount of belongs I had. I was able to fill the small dresser next to my bed, separating my undergarments from my tops and bottoms neatly. Carefully, I organized my minuscule collection of makeup on top of it. Having all the necessities within reach for if and when I needed it.

After I finish that task I take it upon myself to explore the kitchen, hoping to find some ingredients to make Noah and I an appropriate meal. I descend the steps one by one, taking time to observe the few pictures that hang on the walls as I pass. Noah has always been an abstract art lover, something that clearly hasn't changed by the looks of the usual pieces that decorate his house.

His home is exactly what I expected of him, simplistically decorated with sophisticated furniture and neatly placed decor. It almost resembles a model home, everything having its place and nothing where it doesn't belong.

His kitchen is no different, I take in his spotless stainless steel appliances that nest between crème colored cabinets. It's evident that success has done him well, he's living a life filled with everything he's always desired.

I make my way over the the double door fridge, opening it to examine what exactly I have to work with. After a while of scavenging though everything I find every ingredient needed to make vodka pasta, minus the vodka considering the fact that he had every other kind of alcohol but that. I begin to chop onions and garlic and throw them into the pan, allowing them to get fragrant around me. It's not long before I am putting the finishing touches on the sauce and I hear the door open slowly.

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