31. Glass houses

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Noah's pov

"Can you please go a little faster?" I question erratically from the backseat of my Uber. My heart feels like it could explode at any moment, anticipation reaching a boiling point inside of me.

"Noah, he's already doing 10 over" Folio remarks from beside me. Trying to bring me back down to reality by placing a comforting hand on my tensed shoulder.

"I don't care. Something is fucking wrong" my anger gets the best of me as my voice raises and I shove his hand away from my body. My volatile nature causing Folio to quickly clasp his mouth shut, eyeing me over with a stunned expression.

I know I'm acting irrationally, despite my better judgement. I just haven't heard from Roni in nearly a week and I had a sinking feeling in my chest, as if my heart had dropped to my stomach. My mind was racing, trying to make sense of what would possibly be going on. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible had happened, and I was struggling to keep my composure. I know she has been struggling lately especially with Jasper still hot on her tail. All that did was worry me further. Anything could have happened, and I mean just about anything. Worst case scenario plays in my head.

What if she hurt herself, badly this time.

Or Jasper finally found her and did god knows what.

Maybe Natalie's looney ass finally snapped and made Veronica an undeserving victim in her vindictive quest.

The driver catches my drift and turns our 30 minute drive into a 20 minute one. It still wasn't fast enough, but better. I swear to god it was the longest twenty minutes of my life. Every second going by slowly, like we were driving through quicksand. Eventually we reach the house and I hand him a 50 for his troubles before quickly swinging my door open and running up to the entrance of my house. My car is in the driveway, which I hope is a good sign. My legs don't carry me fast enough, the driveway seemingly endless as i force my limbs to move as fast as possible. My hands trembling uncontrollably. Making it almost impossible to shove the key into my locks.

"Roni" I call out as soon as I am finally able to unlock the door and throw it open. Being met with nothing but dead silence, aside from my loud voice echoing off the walls. This only fuels my fear, my body trembling as I sprint around the house.

   Checking every nook and cranny for her, not once but twice. Even going as far as opening and shutting the cabinets in each room. I have to exhaust all options. I rush around so violently it makes my stomach twist with painful nausea, sharp pains splintering up my side. My heart pounding in my chest, and my breaths come in short gasps. My mind wont stop racing, and I couldn't can't even think straight. I feel like I am suffocating, and my body shaking uncontrollably. I an in full-blown panic mode, and I don't know how to calm down. I run up the steps, taking two at a time and checking every room on the second floor before finally reaching the last place to look.

Her room.

I don't know why, but I am consumed by a gut wrenching fear soon as I step in front of the shut door. I have a bad feeling, not sure what I'll find but knowing it won't be good. Apprehensively I bring my hand up and slowly turn the knob, hearing the door creak open. I tried to convince myself that there was nothing to be afraid of, nothing to worry about. But even with my pessimism taking over, I still wasn't prepared for what I saw.

A completely empty room. Every trace of Veronica picked up and gone. Her vanity completely wiped clean and empty. The small framed photos she had decorating the furniture and walls all no where in sight. The bedding folded up neatly on the corner of her mattress. With a deep breath and harsh swallow I walk in, making my way over to the folded up linen. Noticing every piece of clothing that I have given to her over the months also stacked up neatly. At the very top of the tower is a noted folded up into quarters, the phone I gave her, and my silver chain neatly sprawled across it.

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