22. I put you in your place

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It's all that had been running through my mind as soon as my eyes peeled open a few hours ago. Once the alcohol wore off and I came back down to reality I realized the severity of it all. Don't get me wrong, there's not an ounce of regret within me about the entire ordeal. I just can't help but ponder over any and all issues that may come from our entanglement. Does this mean we are together? Or was it just a much needed relief on both ends and we carry on the same as we have been. So many questions fill my head causing my headache to worsen.

I let out a sigh, not trying to push my mind any further and attempt to enjoy the beautiful weather.

My feet dangle over the side of Noah's pool, as I sit on the concrete. It is a cooler today than is has been in the last few weeks which provided me the perfect opportunity to actually enjoy the outdoors. I can't imagine there's a lifetime long enough to ever get used to the heat here. The east coast, as atrocious as it was, had one thing going for it. And that was the fact that it didn't feel like Satan's gooch every day of the damn year. Regardless of how much I loathed the unholy blaze, I have never been happier than I am here. I was holding my breath for so long I forgot how good it felt to finally be able to breathe. It's been years since I have been able to put myself first, and not have have someone micromanaging my every action and getting hostile when I made the wrong move. Some of the damage he has done feels irreversible. Like I'll never truly be free. Everything is still burnt into the back of my mind.

At least now I am safe. I know the people I have in my life do not seek to cause me any harm. Especially Noah. We have had our fair share of misfortunes, and have hurt each other in one way or another. But we have managed to overcome it. Without even trying he's chipped away at the rock solid wall I built up around my heart and set me free. I don't think I will ever be able to repay him enough for his effortless ability to change my entire outlook.

"Hey Vee!" I hear Folio call out enthusiastically as he approaches me from behind. He was the last one still here after last night. Jolly and Nick decided to head out about an hour ago after scarfing down two gargantuan breakfast platters. Their resilience still amazes me. How they can all bounce back from a long night of partying like it was nothing. They're either bionic or do a good job at hiding their ailments, because I can never decipher their symptoms.

"Hey" I reply back as he take the empty spot to my left. He's in a pair of Noah's swim trunks and t shirt. I can't help but giggle at the innocence of their friendship, sharing clothes like grade schoolers who unexpectedly stayed the night with their friends and needed to change.

"How are you feeling?" He asks casually mimicking my actions by slipping his bare feet into the cool water.

"Aside from this raging headache I feel fine" it's an honest answer. If this headache would subside I would feel incredible.

He looks me over for a second, his raven eyes scanning my face as an intense look overtakes his features. He's silent. Too silent as the wheels begin to turn in his head before giving me a large smile.

"Veronica... you dog" it comes out hushed, as his tone sits somewhere between bewilderment and excitement.

"What?" I question back erratically as i raise a brow beginning to feel confused at his statement.

"Don't be modest! You had sex. I can tell. You're literally glowing" he says back without missing a beat. Causing my eyes to enlarge with surprise. He's never the one to beat around the bush, a trait I found out about him very quickly. I was just stunned that he was able to pick up on it so easily.

"Maybe.." I admit bashfully as I try my best to avoid the eye contact he so desperately wants to make. There's no point in hiding it. We are all grown here and can talk about these things, it was just odd to actually say it to him.

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