20. You've got nothing to say

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I could hear the music thumping through the walls as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. The loud vibrations causing my feet to tingle instantly as they made contact with the ground beneath them. I'm eager as Noah joins my side and interlocks our finger before leading the way into the large warehouse. I've never been given the opportunity to go to a party like this, hosted by someone with enough money and power to turn an old Rubbermaid distribution center into a hot house. From what I gathered in the short car ride over here, this was some exclusive party being held in celebration for the release of a band Noah had become close with's newest record. I couldn't figure out who was being honored tonight, just picked up on the names Devin and Brent. Truth be told I was far too anxious to give it much thought, I'd be introduced to everyone soon enough anyway.

We enter the building, my ears instantly filling with the loud bass that echos through the atmosphere. The air is thick as we are met with an energetic dance floor. Strobe lights lighting up the otherwise dark room, as bodies pump and grind to whatever house music plays.

"Follow me. And stay close" Noah all but yells as he gets close to my ear. I almost don't hear what he's saying, but thankfully the firm hold he has on my hand would have been enough for me to catch the hint. He leads the way over to a small flight of stairs, we all file up them to be lead to an intimate sitting area. There's two men already occupying a set of chairs. Both of them sporting blonde locks and square jaws. They're friends of the Bad Omens guys, a fact made evident by the smiles that perk up on everyone as soon as they all see eachother.

"Devin!" Noah calls out cheerfully as he drops his hold on my hand and walks over to great his friend.

The man with the shorter blonde hair stands, his blue eyes lighting up as soon as he brings his friend in for a hug.

"Good to see you, man! I'm glad you could make it" he speaks with enthusiasm as they part from their embrace.

"You know I wouldn't have missed this" Noah replies as he turns to face me, a large grin taking up the entirety of his face as he walks over to grab my hand once again. He leads me over to Devin repositioning his hand to wrap around my waist and hold me close to his body.

"Roni, this is my good friend Devin" he begins as he introduces me to the man he was just speaking with. "He's the vocalist for I see stars, and that is Brent. He plays keyboard" he points over the dirty blonde man who sits quietly in his seat. His face round as he gives me a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you both" I say as I offer them a timid wave, my anxiety starting to kick in.

"This is Veronica, we've been friends for years" Noah adds in as he speaks to the two men.

Devins eyes dance between the two of us, a knowing grin pulling at his face.

"Friend, huh?" He jokes as he notices the intimate hold he has on me. His comment causes me to blush, at least I wasn't the only one noticing the more than friendly advances.

"Something like that" Noah jokes back as he brings his hand down to rest on my lower back right above my butt. He's being cheeky, a fact that he's well aware of by the starry eyed look he gives me as my body stiffens slightly.

"I'm gonna go grab some drinks. Anyone want anything?" Folio offers as he comes up behind us.

"I'll come with you and help" I suggest as I begin to step away from Noah.

He tightens his grip on me, worry washing over his face as I snap my head back to lock eyes.

"Be fucking careful" he's stern as he speaks not at me but Folio. I can't understand the reasoning behind his sudden protectiveness, but it seems as if Folio catches the hint and gives him a reassuring look and nods his head.

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