27. True colors always fade

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    "I'm going to miss you so fucking much" Noah says for what seems the like millionth time. He pulls me close, placing a firm kiss on top of my head before burring his face into my hair.

  I let out a drawn out sigh. I've been trying my best to remain as strong as possible through his departure, but his sudden sappiness is making that a nearly impossible feat.

  "I know. I'm going to miss you too. But I'll be right here waiting for you to come back" I try my best to reassure not only him , but myself. I can't help but feel like this is the end, even though it's not. However, my life has been such a series of unfortunate events that I can't stop the pessimism from trying to take over. I've never been good in these kind of situations.

   He shakes his head in agreement, not trusting his voice to speak. He pulls my face up to meet his gaze, and I nearly lose it at the sight of his glossy eyes and red nose. My heart clenching, wishing I could take it all away. He gives me a final kiss. Making sure to put every ounce of emotion into it.

   "Okay. I gotta go now, baby" he says once he pulls away and heads towards the door.

  "Wait" I call out eagerly, grabbing his hand to stop him in his tracks.

  I take off the thin silver bracelet that hugs my wrist. It's a gift I got from my dad before he died. A small thin band that holds a dainty raindrop charm. It holds great importance to me, and I want him to be its keeper while he's gone. He watches me intently as I clasp it shut around his wrist. It fits him snuggly.

  "Baby. Are you sure?" He asks, eyes wide with nothing but tenderness.

  "Yes. In a weird way it makes me feel like you have a part of me with you. And now you have to come back" it's the truth, as cheesy as it may sound.

  He gives me a proud smile before removing the silver chain from around his neck. He feeds my head through the loop, the cold metal falling against my chest.

  "And now you'll have a part of me"

  I bring him into one last hug, taking in everything from the way he holds my body tightly, and how his minty tobacco smell entraps me. I tried my best to remain coy, but knowing he's just a few seconds away from leaving puts that to an end. The tears heavily falling from my eyes, as I squeeze him tightly. Hoping he could magically stay.

  "Bye, pretty girl. I'll call you when we land" he assures me one last time before giving me a final kiss. With his bags in hand he walks towards the front door, cocking his head to give me one last smile.

  "Bye, baby" i whisper more to myself as he exits the house.

  I allow myself to release the sadness I've been biting back. The tears falling from my eyes in thick streams. I thought I prepared myself well enough for this moment, but I was proven wrong. The sadness crashing down on my chest heavily, making it hard to breathe. I just wanted to run after him and beg him to stay. But I know that's selfish of me. This is him living his dream, fulfilling his purpose. I allow myself to feel everything I needed to, holding it in did nothing but pain me more. But after a while I dry my tears. Crying won't bring him back and all I'm doing is sulking in my sadness.

   I walk to the bathroom to clean myself up, wiping away the fallen mascara and throwing my messy hair into a bun. I need something, anything, to occupy my mind.

  I manage to waste a few hours by cleaning up the house, doing some of Noah's left behind laundry. Folding it up and putting it away so it's ready for when he eventually returns. I even keep back a few shirts for me to sleep in, spraying them with some cologne he left behind for me. He knows me well enough to know I will find comfort in this scent.

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