Chapter: 44: I trusted you.

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CC's pov
"You can go home tonight." Frankie explained.

"But you have to come back in a week for check ups. The doctor also said that he has things to tell you about your injuries but he doesn't want to put to many things in your head too soon." She added.

"Ok." Was all I could choke out, I wasn't really listening. I couldn't focus on anything but Michael.

I trusted Michael. He lied to me about something, so important! After I just woke up from a coma!

I wanted to cry because I was heart broken and I wanted to punch a wall because I was mad. I wanted to hug Michael because he probably wanted to be us again, Whatever that meant, I ended up just crying from all the emotions and Frankie left. She brought Michael in and he quickly ran up to Me trying to comfort me, since I was crying but I pushed him off.

"Baby, you ok?" He asked his voice full of concern, for me.

"Don't." I said through gritted teeth, him being all sweet will make me forgive him. I can't have that, not yet.

"What? Are you mad at me?" He asked worriedly but hid it well with confusion.


"Don't act like you don't know! You didn't even tell me what happen! We fought! We broke up! I could have just forgotten because it was better for you, you selfish prick!" I said through tears.

"Who told you?!" He said confused because he obviously didn't.

"Frankie." I said not shocked by his confusion at all neither was I going to feel bad about it. This wasn't my fault, I'm not going to blame myself.

You could see the anger flash over his eyes but it quickly changed to regret.

"You only did this so you wouldn't have to go through with apologizing. It was better for you." I said angrily.

"It wasn't better just for me, it was better for us!" He tried to explain coming closer to me again.

"Just. Leave." I said looking away, blinking rapidly trying to make the tears go away.

"Wait, I was just trying to-" Michael started

"No. I don't care what you were trying to do! Michael, you promised you'd never lie to me! I trusted you." I said cutting him off.

"I know! I messed up and I'm so sorry." He said quietly, looking up at me.

"Sorry?! No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have trusted you." I repiled.

I studied his face. Dark, Brown dyed hair and amazing bright emeraled green eyes that I've always gotten captured in. His T-shirt all messed up and ripped black skinny jeans.

I focused more on the face. The pained expression but also you could see he was angry. His eyes a bit darker as he was mad but his eye brows only showing sadness. It was like a puzzle I hadn't figured out yet, but I was close. He opened his mouth but then shut it, backing away from me his face now full rage.

Eye brows furrowed on his head and eyes complete different shade I never saw before. His hands spread out by his side opening and closing as if he was trying to calm down but it wasn't working, you could tell.

"What am I supposed to say? I said I was sorry!" He said getting frustrated and angry.

"Don't get mad at me! This isn't my fault!" I shot back.

"Well maybe if you didn't go with Phil all the time to pick out his boyfriend's ring we wouldn't be here! Who cares if he's getting it for his boyfriend! Thats not your problem, so stop because this is your fault!" He said clenching his fists.

Something about the tone in his voice scared me. The anger, the rage, the violence, all just in his voice.

"So. I've done everything I can. This isn't my fault anymore so fuck you." He said turning around.

"Wait. Michael. Please don't leave me alone. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been mad. I'm sorry." I said praticly begging and I don't know why.

This wasn't my fault. I should be mad. I can't lose Michael though.

He left.

He's gone.

I felt tears burn in my eyes but I won't cry. I won't. I won't. I won't. I will.

I started crying, hiding my face in my hands and curling into a ball.

I promised myself I would never depend on someone like this. I promised myself I would never feel this way, but now, because I opened up to him and let myself fall, I don't think I can get up.

I'll move on. I'll make myself some how forget. But how? He only just left and I already want to go find him and hug him and beg him to come back and never lie to be again but that won't happen. He will lie again. Right? Thats how these things work.

People are selfish and crule. Once they leave they find someone better and forget about me. Thats how it's always been. That's how it'll always be.

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