Chapter: 50: Speachless & Numb.

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Extra long chapter. (*^▽^)


Words have always come easy to Me, they just kind of flow as my pencil touches the paper. Fiction was my favorite as a kid. It can be realistic or completely opposite, but it'll never be the truth. Happy endings were my favorite part, all the sadness melts away at the end leaving the characters happy for the rest of their fake ass lives. Even now as a 17 year old heart broken girl who never leaves her room I still love fiction.

My life wasn't fiction though. The happy ending wasn't coming. When I was with Michael I thought 'this is my happy ending. I'm ok now.' The truth about fiction and happy endings is that the "ending" is the middle, the middle is happy but things get bad again because things don't last forever and good things change.

Now I know why storms are named after people.

I can't really put into words how I feel. Numb comes pretty close. Disoriented? Lost? Those come close too but numb is probably the best.

I mean how would you feel if the only person who ever made you that happy, the one you felt completely comfortable around and the one you told everything too, lied to you? About something so extreme? How about how he got drunk and kicked you out like your family did? Or how he told you he doesn't need you but you know you need him? What about if he is on tour and you've texted and called him so many times and he's ignoring you and doing great on tour showing you just how little he needs you?

After a while you become numb, Or something close to it.

How about how your best friend for life is sad and your doing nothing about it?

That just proves your worthless.

The worst part?

The nightmares. The nightmares are, by far, the worst because you relive everything and you can't get away from it, You wake up scared and you can't get back to sleep so you lay there over thinking. Thats how all my nights go.

"CC! Breakfast!" Katie called as she knocked on my door.

I sighed, I don't usually get up to eat, I haven't eaten in a while but I don't get out of bed.

"CC, please? You - you haven't eaten in days. Please just come out so you can eat?" I heard Frankie.


I can't believe I'm doing this to Her. After Luke broke up with her at the airport, I've done nothing to help her. All I've done is stress her out more I've done nothing but be a terrible friend, when she's done nothing but be an amazing one.

I got up slowly and got dressed.

"Hey, good looking." Katie winked at me while she finished Cooking.

"H-hey" I said quietly, I sat down at the breakfast bar and watched Katie dance along to some kind of music she was playing on the radio.

"C, you look a lot Skinner......" Frankie said looking at me.

"Isn't that good?" I said back noticing my voice being a bit ruff. Probably because I haven't spoke in weeks.

"I guess in a way but have you been eating?" She pushed.

Breath CC. Breath.

"I'm eating, now aren't I?" I shot back slightly harsh.

"Yeah but-sorry." She said kind of hurt.

"Frankie I'm sorry too." I said as I got up and left the table and went back to hide in my room.

"She's acting weird and it's not going to be good for the band." a voice said out side my door.

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