Part 1 : Proposition

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Gulf honestly wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the free drinks.

Okay, that was a lie. He would have paid for them every time he came here if it wasn't for Mild refusing his money every damn time, saying he could pay the older man back someday since Mild was keeping tabs of every single drink he'd been offered anyway. Gulf would have believed him if not for the older man's habit of mentioning the same thing everytime Gulf would show up here, chuckling and rolling his eyes in answer at Mild's lame joke about going broke sooner rather than later - something he liked mentioning when his partner, Boat, was around to hear it.

Gulf was certain it was just Mild's way of teasing his partner and his apparent big appetite as if Mild didn't find the other man charming enough when he stuffed food in his mouth like he was always starving.

Tonight though, it sure seemed like Mild knew better than to joke around.

To be honest, Gulf's few and far in between visits here were mostly because he'd been invited, P'Mild insisting he drop by for a few drinks, to chat, just to be sure Gulf hadn't yet forgotten he actually had friends outside of work.

The reminder always made Gulf feel guilty for some reason.

This particular visit, however, wasn't one of those. This time, Gulf actually came here voluntarily, surprising his friend and his partner in the process.

"I hope to god you're not planning on getting me drunk, Phi," he half-complained when he caught Mild sliding another drink across the counter towards him in place of the last one he'd just emptied, loud enough to be heard.

Mild simply gave him a look and shook his head as if the older man knew better than to dignify his action with a verbal reply.

"I have work tomorrow, in case I forgot to mention it." he added, wryly, even though he already had his fingers around the glass, accepting the drink wholeheartedly. Getting drunk wasn't really the problem; honestly, he had no idea what the problem was anymore.

He liked his job - hell, he loved it; there was no doubt in his mind that this was what he wanted to do ever since he was a child and he had luckily landed a role in that famous chicken commercial, but sometimes, just sometimes, the exhaustion was making him want to just stop, disappear for a while, to recharge. Sadly, he couldn't do that. His management team always reminded him that this kind of opportunity shouldn't be wasted, that he should be grateful the public loved him, his fans, and that taking a breather might not be a good idea now that everyone wanted him. Companies were rushing to hire him, to be their brand ambassador, presenter, a face to represent them - Gulf knew better than to turn those down, but sometimes, the pressure was enough to wear him down.

"You did, but I do remember you mentioning it is scheduled after lunch," P'Mild said with a nod. "That means you have enough time to nurse your hangover before you have to go to work."

Gulf sighed, hoping the action was enough to cover his amusement. "Thanks for the tip, Phi, but I really can't go all out tonight. P'Best will kill me if I show up at the magazine shoot tomorrow looking like a bloated corpse." he reiterated.

Mild just shrugged. "That's not my problem. And anyway, they can always photoshop your face or whatever, I mean, to make you look perfect or something. Right?" Mild said with a completely straight face.

Gulf couldn't help it, he chuckled, shook his head. "I have a feeling I should be offended, but, never mind. Since I know for a fact that you're one of my biggest fans, if those magazines where I'm on the front cover you liked buying are of any indication." he said with a wink, with which Mild returned with a huff.

"Those are for show, mind you, just to appease your sister. Now, I know your mother is a kind-hearted woman who knows I'll still be your friend even if you didn't become famous, but your sister... your sister is a completely different matter altogether," Mild said after a moment, feigning fear, even shuddering for effect.

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