Part 38.1 : I'm yours

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To say that he'd expected shit to hit the fan come morning would be an understatement.

But knowing shit's going to be difficult to deal with once they were out there in the open and anticipating its accompanying complications was an entirely different matter altogether. And he would have honestly preferred ignoring everything else instead of stressing himself over things he couldn't control anyway if it wasn't for the fact that doing so meant he had to stay still for an indefinite period of time while his Phi got the ball rolling, and that, in itself, was the very bitter pill he was going to have a hard time swallowing.

Three days in and he was seriously considering driving himself back to his apartment. Do something productive with his time instead of lazing around his parents house and moping, but he was told the vultures still lurked around the building waiting for his return, so that only meant he had to stay put and try not to do anything stupid in the meantime.

It had only been a handful days since that blissful two days he spent with P'Mew at the hotel took place and yet it already felt like it happened ages ago given how things were since then.

It was aggravating, yes, but more than anything, his Phi needed him to be more understanding now than he'd ever been since they started this. He could do it, sure, but that didn't mean he could, and would do it in silence the way the older man probably wanted him to.

P'Mew would just have to deal with him bombarding him with messages all day just to let the older man know what he was thinking. Or in this case, what he mostly wanted done but couldn't because of all the unnecessary shit he'd been dragged along without his consent.

He unlocked his phone and pulled out the chat thread he and his Phi had and started typing.

Hey, so the game I told you I was playing last night? Yeah, well, I finished it. And now I don't know what game I should play next. Any recommendations?

He wasn't even considering starting a new one, but he could always lie about it the next time they video call or talked in person. Or maybe he would just distract P'Mew away from the topic altogether just so he didn't have to lie about it or something.

Ah no. P'Mew was good at seeing through his bullshit so lying obviously wouldn't work.

Damn it.

Hey, so about the game? Yeah well, forget it. I just remember your game choices suck. I'll probably just watch your new music video to pass the time. Honestly, you look pretty in it. And hot. Not that you don't look particularly handsome in your previous music videos but this one is just in a different level of hotness.

Hot might even be putting it lightly, because damn P'Mew was fucking burning in that MV. He did watch it. Several times, in fact. P'Mew really was more than just eye-candy in that video and his visual was no joke. He was certain he had been drooling all the while he was watching it. Or getting unnecessarily hard imagining himself and P'Mew making out on top of that couch, or himself grinding on P'Mew's lap as the older man was singing about heartbreak and second chances.

Fuck, he really should stop thinking about it.

Hey, so forget what I said about you being hot in that MV. I didn't mean it. No, actually I do. But not in a way that you might think I mean it because I'm not even thinking dirty thoughts right now involving you and those goddamn old man glasses. Because I'm not. I promise.

Well, maybe a little. It's not my fault you've managed to rock the 'Daddy' look because of those glasses. Could be intentional, no?

But you were really hot, okay? I'm not saying you aren't because you are. Exceptionally so. It's so unfair sometimes, how beautiful you are. How gorgeous. Irresistibly good-looking. Mouthwateringly attractive, really. Please feel free to shut me up before I end up embarrassing myself any further.

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