Part 17 : Hands

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Gulf was certain he'd never wanted anything so badly until that moment, when P'Mew's hands found his hips and pulled him in, and the older man's lips covering his own for a searing kiss.

He knew he was making embarrassing noises through their locked lips, but it was difficult to worry about such things when he was certain P'Mew was doing the same. He was arching back into P'Mew shamelessly, hands alternating between gripping P'Mew's arms and clawing at P'Mew's back for support.

Vaguely, he felt a hand against his pulsepoint, thumb caressing the soft skin of his throat, fingers fanned across his heated cheeks while P'Mew growled into his mouth and tilted his head for a better angle. Gulf keened and parted his mouth wide enough to welcome P'Mew's tongue, barely resisting the urge to rub himself against P'Mew's clothed legs for a little friction when P'Mew widened his stance and tugged him in, allowing him to feel that answering hardness in between P'Mew's legs.

Before he could, though, P'Mew stopped, retreating just far enough for Gulf to see him panting for breath, his hand on Gulf's shoulder to keep him in place. Gulf was so ready to complain when P'Mew grunted before he could and turned them around, manfully guiding him backwards with P'Mew's lips pressed lightly against the side of his temple.

The next thing he felt was the familiar feel of the couch touching the back of his ankles as P'Mew lowered him down on it, his fingers still gripping P'Mew's wrist. He swore it felt like the world paused for a briefly when he looked up and found P'Mew watching him too, holding his gaze for a moment and laughing mirthlessly, breathlessly, before leaning down and kissing him.

The kiss didn't last long, because then P'Mew was literally throwing himself down on the couch to sit next to him too. Gulf followed the movement as if he was detached from himself, breathing harshly and expecting to be offered dinner once again, only to realize there were hands clutching his hips, P'Mew grunting under his breath as he pulled Gulf to his lap.

"Oh," a surprised sound escaped his slightly parted mouth, but it was only fleeting. He was seizing the opportunity presented by stealing another quick kiss as his hands found purchase on P'Mew's shoulders to steady himself.

He pulled away to breathe, and found himself staring down at P'Mew's face, his heavy-lidded eyes and his mouth parted slightly. Gulf gasped sharply when he realized one of P'Mew's hands were drifting slowly from his nape to his chest, down to his forearm and his wrist, before it settled lightly over the seam of his pants. Gulf kept watching, breath hitching at the sight and feel of P'Mew's thumb rubbing circles over that prominent bulge, wanting more. He was moaning before he could stop himself, hand finding P'Mew's own to help.

"Like this?" P'Mew whispered into his ear, making Gulf shiver when teeth bit his earlobe teasingly and then doing it again. Gulf trembled with need, hand finding P'Mew's own and guiding it where he wanted it, pressing down hard and rolling their palms together briefly.

P'Mew's breath was hot against his skin, but it was made worse with the feel of the older man's tongue licking a trail of fire from his chin to the underside of his ear while his hand squeezed. Gulf bit his lips in his attempt to keep the noises in, biting down on it hard he could almost taste blood when P'Mew's hand continued squeezing.

He arched without meaning to, aching in all the places that count as he scooted closer and closer still, hoping P'Mew would get the hint.

"Please," he heard himself say, but he knew he sounded more like he was begging. To be fair, he didn't really care. Not anymore.

"Phi, please?" he whispered, turning his head and aiming an open-mouthed kiss to P'Mew's lips.

"Fuck, don't beg. Just don't." P'Mew hissed, and then somehow, they were kissing again, Gulf moaning through it loud enough to wake the dead. He was sucking on P'Mew's tongue when he realized P'Mew's hands were working to unbutton his pants, groaning when it came undone within seconds.

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