Part 18 : Date

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It would have been a total letdown if he didn't know what to expect, but it was still rather disappointing when, instead of kissing him back as he'd hoped P'Mew would, he didn't. In fact, the older man was pulling back just far enough for Gulf to reach him, and thus making him feel more than a little inclined to use force to tug him in, just so he could ask him what in hell he thought he was doing.

P'Mew chuckled when he took another step, and then watched him point at the table right after. Gulf raised his brows at him in question.

"Dinner," P'Mew said, as if that should explain his action, and should also answer the question running through Gulf's head at the moment.

It should. But to be perfectly honest, he just didn't care.

P'Mew was still laughing when he took a step, and then another, fingers finding the hem of P'Mew's shirt for leverage. This time, he tried another tactic, distracting the older man by working his fingers beneath the soft fabric of his shirt for a quick touch, curious and equal-parts stunned at what his palm felt underneath.

P'Mew's ripped abdominal muscles tensing beneath his hand, his skin hot to the touch. Gulf swallowed through the sudden lump that sat itself in his throat at the feel of it, wondering and equal-parts aching to see it with his own eyes while he set his hand over and across it for a thorough sweep.

He honestly would have gone for more if P'Mew didn't immediately catch his hand and tug it down, his eyes gone dark and the edges of his mouth curling unhappily as his fingers gripped Gulf's wrist almost too tightly.

Gulf opened his mouth to speak, but P'Mew beat him to it.

"I know, okay. But no. I only have at least a little over twenty minutes before my manager calls to say he's parked across the street and waiting, and I'm not going to waste it by starting something I know I can't finish. So, don't be stubborn and let us eat this dinner in peace. Come here." P'Mew grunted, surprising him yet again by pulling him on P'Mew's lap and sitting him down there, an arm around him from behind to keep him in place.

He scowled just because he couldn't help it, and tried to turn away when P'Mew made a big show of feeding him when he didn't bother doing it himself.

"Are you going to be like this until I leave?" P'Mew asked, putting the spoon down and sighing. "Quit pouting and tell me what you want from me."

Gulf felt like lifting his arm and elbowing P'Mew in the face. He couldn't, so he turned around and leaned down quickly to bite P'Mew's bottom lip instead. P'Mew shrieked, both in surprise and arousal, and Gulf smirked when he pulled away.

"There. Does that answer your question, Phi?" he muttered, and stood, with all the intention to return to the chair he was occupying before he bravely left the spot so he could charm his way to P'Mew's pants, but no luck.

P'Mew huffed and pulled him back down, and then threw an arm over his shoulders for good measure to keep him where he was.

P'Mew shook his head and then drew him closer, lips sliding from his jaw to the underside of his ear, his warm breath against Gulf's skin a reminder that he wasn't just imagining this. A hand grabbed his own before he realized it, guiding it where P'Mew wanted it, the action completely copying Gulf's own earlier and making Gulf laugh mirthlessly in answer. P'Mew led their hands where it should go, pressing hard and rolling their palms together over that prominent bulge, making Gulf swallow hard at the feel of P'Mew's erection beneath their hands before tugging it away just as quickly.

"Yes, loud and clear, Nong." P'Mew chuckled into his ear, breathless and amused, pressing a sound kiss to Gulf's cheek the moment after. Gulf chuckled too, couldn't not, charmed all over again at the way P'Mew was burying his face into his collarbone and breathing him in, wriggling his head in a way so adorable Gulf was torn between stopping him and lifting his head up so he could kiss him.

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