Part 29 : First time

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He arched into P'Mew's touch without meaning to, unable to keep himself from kissing back despite knowing he shouldn't. He vowed to do better, didn't he? To try and keep sex off the table for P'Mew's sake, but... but damn , was something so bad supposed to feel this good?

To be completely honest, he didn't think so.

P'Mew's fingers on his skin, the older man's lips trailing kisses from his temple to his jaw, and then back up again to kiss his eyelids, the bridge of his nose, the corner of his panting mouth. This closeness he craved most, this intimacy he'd missed more than he'd dared to admit.

"Phi -" he struggled to pull away, shoving one hand against P'Mew's chest and the other on P'Mew's right shoulder for a tight grip, but he barely had enough strength left in him to keep P'Mew away, even more from leaning forward once again and kissing him. In fact, it was as if the bastard knew exactly what he was doing, letting him back away just far enough to breathe air into his lungs before P'Mew's mouth was there to steal it again.

This time, P'Mew's kisses were even more insistent, coaxing his mouth open if only so the older man could push his tongue in and sucked his own with such ferocity that left him shaking. P'Mew's hands felt like they were everywhere at once that it was hot in all the places they were touching, and it was fucking perfect.

When P'Mew pulled away, they were both panting hard, the older man's gaze so dark his eyes were almost pitch black as he looked him over. But there was something else there too, apart from the obvious, something he couldn't exactly put his fingers on. His fingers absently curled against the front of P'Mew's threadbare shirt, looking up to see P'Mew smirking, his lips curled mischievously at the edges.

"Nong wants to take care of me, right?" P'Mew was saying, thumbing the corner of his swollen lips tenderly, but the way the older man's eyes searched his face was telling a completely different story altogether.

P'Mew gestured with his hand, pointing at himself and grinning. "Very well, then."

"Phi, this isn't -" he grumbled, but whatever complaints he was planning on voicing out were cut off when P'Mew surged forward and kissed him.

"What you have in mind, I know," P'Mew was saying, teasing him with little pecks that left him breathless. It didn't help that while P'Mew was doing this, he was being shifted, P'Mew's capable hands guiding him into his back and belatedly realizing P'Mew's evil plans until it was already too late. P'Mew was hovering over him the next time he was allowed to breathe enough to realize what was happening, P'Mew's weight pinning him to the couch.

"Well, that's just too bad, Gulf," P'Mew grinned, leaning down to lick a trail of heat from his jawline to his clavicle. "I guess you're just gonna have to stay there and take it."


It would have been a total lie if he said he hadn't been dreaming about this because, god, how could he not? It had been months since they were even in the same proximity - the last time they did, they were practically all over each other, and he'd been honestly ready to do more than what he'd prepared himself for, but obviously, it wasn't meant to be.

P'Mew was working his hand down the front of his pants, sucking lightly on his collarbone when that nagging feeling returned, reminding him yet again why he thought this was a bad idea.

But, was it really? Would he be willing to sacrifice this chance to show P'Mew he meant everything he told him when they talked again for the first time in months because of something he thought of when he was drunk?

Well, damn.

"P-Phi, wait, wait just a second, ah-" he grunted, his hand catching P'Mew's wrist anyway with all the intention to slow things down, just for a moment - he needed a breather, a moment to catch his breath - barely able to keep P'Mew's hand from palming him through his borrowed sweatpants. The older man didn't seem too fond at the idea of stopping, but the momentary distraction was just what he needed to seize P'Mew's face, forcing him to look nowhere else but at him.

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