Part 20 : Bravery

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He was certain they were all looking at him funny - he had a feeling it wasn't just P'Mew who must be staring at him as if he'd mysteriously grown two heads after his very unexpected proposal moments ago - and given the awkward silence that followed shortly after, he guessed it was just to be expected.

Trust his traitorous mouth for saying what had only been in his mind minutes before, although he couldn't really say he would have stayed silent either. That guy obviously didn't care that he was being annoying on purpose, and Gulf wasn't going to just stand there and watch him harass his Phi as if he had all the right in the world to do so. He simply refused to.

From his peripheral, P'Best and P'Tamp were both waving their hands in his direction, one of them, probably P'Tamp, was calling him out as he was stepping forward, but he ignored him too.

"Nong, wait -"

He took another step before he could stop himself, vaguely noticing P'Best doing the same, probably to stop him from saying another word, but P'Mew beat him to it.

"Offer your room? To me?" P'Mew said, brows arching at him in question. Gulf could tell P'Mew was trying to think his way out of this without giving them both away, but even Gulf himself was afraid it might be a little too late. The guy to P'Mew's left looked on with interest, and Gulf reminded himself to ignore him too.

He swallowed past the uncertainty that lodged itself in his throat and nodded.

"For you and your manager to share, Phi," he started, hoping he didn't sound as worried as he felt. "P'Best and I can take the rooms with the single beds, it's not really a problem, right, Phi?" he explained, turning to nod at P'Best who seemed torn between whacking him upside the head for opening his mouth and beating the living crap out of the other guy standing there who started all this mess in the first place.

As if on cue, the receptionist's voice added itself in the conversation and informed them that it shouldn't be a problem should they want to reshuffle the rooms, so long as they're the ones to occupy them. "If it's okay, let me just finish with him so I could help you with yours, please?" she said, turning to get the jerk's attention and wave him over.

All they could do was stay silent as she worked.

"Sir, will you still be taking the room that was initially reserved for Mr. Suppasit? If you still want it, it is three thousand and five hundred Baht for a night, inclusive of breakfast." she said, with a completely straight face. If the asshole was surprised by the expensive price, he did his best not to show it. He simply took out a card from his wallet and handed it over, glancing briefly at P'Mew once his transaction was over.

The receptionist was quickly waving another staff over and pointing at the guy's luggage before he could even say anything. "Here's your keycard, your card and your receipt, Sir. Please enjoy your stay." she said, prompting the other ground staff to wheel the guy's luggage away.

"Wait, Phi, do you want to have dinner with me later? My treat," the guy said as if he'd just remembered it, before turning back towards the receptionist to ask. "What room will he be staying in, can you tell me?" he didn't even sound like he was requesting, and Gulf really felt like punching him.

The receptionist looked taken aback. "I'm sorry?"

"Nong, you're not even supposed to -" P'Tamp was quickly complaining, but P'Mew cut him off with a curt, "Sure. Will eight o'clock work for you?" P'Mew asked, unperturbed, and effectively startling them all, including the jerk who'd just invited him to dinner. Gulf had a feeling he was looking at P'Mew like he'd gone crazy too, but knowing he couldn't just go and ask him what in hell the older man thought he was doing, he kept his mouth shut and pretended he wasn't presently considering violence now just to stop this nonsense.

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