Part 40.1 : Perfect

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He wondered if all of it was planned.

And well, it could be, given how intricately and meticulously things were set-up from the get-go. From P'Mew keeping him in the dark and putting Mild in charge of everything, coaxing him to drop by at the bar to instructing him what to do and where to go. Setting things up and explaining stuff without making it look like he was being led into a trap.

Or maybe it was. A trap. Maybe he just refused to see it as one. Or it could be something else. An elaborate plan to get him alone with P'Mew, and yet despite his uncertainties, he couldn't help but appreciate the gesture the more he thought about it.

Truth be told, it would have pissed him off had it not for the fact that the whole thing seemed to have been carefully planned more for his benefit than his Phi's. And in fact it was, for very obvious reasons.

P'Mew clearly had to resort to such a (silly but otherwise thoughtful) plan for them to meet, and if that wasn't reason enough to make him swoon, well then he had the most of tonight to do better.

Simply put, the whole thing was exciting as fuck, and despite the fact that he had no idea what he would find at the place he was supposed to meet P'Mew, he was looking forward to getting there.

However, it was still odd that P'Mew would ask to meet him there - a residential building in the east side of Bangkok - exactly the same area where P'Mew's actual apartment was located, and yet the address Mild sent him took him to a different building, though said building sat right right next to P'Mew's current residence.

He realized this just as he had reached the building and he had stopped the car just in front of it wondering why the area looked painfully familiar. It didn't occur to him when he'd punched the address in the car's navigation system - the first and last time he'd been around here, he hadn't thought to ask or even remember the exact address, given that he'd been too drunk (on his way there) and too preoccupied with P'Mew's presence in the car (when they left for the hospital the next morning) to even bother.

Just as he was considering stopping altogether to message Mild, his phone vibrated, signaling a message.

Surprisingly, it was from P'Mew.

Don't stop for nothing and keep driving, baby. You have questions and I promise I will explain later. Drive straight to the basement parking, spot 24D. See you later, okay? Phi misses you so much.

The way he'd shuddered reading that message was so telling, especially with that acute feeling that P'Mew knew what he might be thinking even when they weren't together. The thought had him partly thrilled and equal parts impressed and for very obvious reasons.

Of course he had questions, and he couldn't wait to find out the answers to all of them as he left the message on read and continued driving.


He had just parked the car when he realized someone was there, standing in a dark corner and making Gulf's heart beat crazy fast in his chest. From afar, it was difficult to tell what the person looked like, the dim lighting in the parking lot making it even harder for Gulf to see.

It didn't help that the person standing there looked positively like he'd came straight out of a questionable B-grade spy movie, donning a black jacket over a black shirt and equally black pants. The person was even wearing a black cap that was pulled low to cover the top half of the person's face, and a disposable mask that covered the lower half.

The person sure looked like he was waiting there for someone, and however Gulf looked at it, he couldn't help but wonder if he was specifically waiting for him.

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