Part 39.2 - Everything For You

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He resorted to sending a message first. A simple hi and how are you doing and if you're not busy, can we talk? - for starters. Surprisingly, the messages were being read, and yet no reply or even an attempt to answer him was made.

He tried to call next. He figured P'Mew was just too busy to type, but obviously was able to read his messages despite it.

Yet his efforts were rewarded with nothing. The calls were either being ignored or canceled, and even the messages he sent in between suffered the same fate.

His patience was running thin.

Still, he tried to be sensible. He had to be. P'Mew would do his best to answer if he could, and yet he hadn't so that should be answer enough.

It didn't stop him wondering what was happening though. And worrying, because obviously, that was the only thing he could do for now.

He breathed through his nose and wondered if he should call P'Best back to check with him, and to tell him he wasn't able to get a hold of P'Mew just to see what the older man would say.

And then his phone vibrated in his grasp, effectively startling him.

Finally, it was a call.

A sigh escaped his lips when he realized it wasn't who he was expecting.

"P'Mild, hi." he hoped he didn't sound as disappointed as he felt but it was difficult to act like it when he'd been on edge all morning and not being able to know what was happening from P'Mew's end obviously didn't help.

"Oh man, you already sound miserable. Is it because of the photos?" his friend inquired cheerfully, making him smile despite himself.

He chuckled under his breath, then sighed dramatically when Mild cackled as if he was tickled by his reaction.

"Hello to you too, P'Mild. Is there any particular reason you're calling me at this hour when you're supposed to be preparing to open the bar in -" he paused to check the time and shook his head. "Three hours?" he amended, amused.

"Believe me I planned to do just that, at least after I delivered a message a certain someone left for you. Apparently because I'm a good friend and this is what a good friend must do. Wake up early to run someone else's errand on their stead. And for free too. I should be awarded for this, really. Best friend of the century or something."

He swore that it should sound anything but amusing but it did, especially when he could imagine his friend rolling his eyes as he said these things. And yet a moment later he found himself frowning, realizing what he'd been told and what it probably meant.

"Alright, you have my attention now, P'Mild. Please tell me the message is from P'Mew, please?" oh god, he wished he didn't sound so eager, but fuck if he cared.

"Hah. I can tell you're ready to beg, Nong."


"Fine, it's from him, alright, are you happy now? And to make it better, no, it's not just a message. He left you something in here too. So if you wanna know what it is, clear your schedule and come here. Tonight, preferably." that totally surprised him. He honestly didn't expect to receive something from P'Mew, especially now that he was in the middle of the same shit he thought he'd already resolved before.

"Wow, okay, I have no idea about that. When did he manage to set that up? This morning?" he asked, genuinely curious. Given that he hadn't heard a pimp from P'Mew and that the only message he got from him was that warning to avoid Twitter, he wondered if this surprise was planned ahead of time.

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