Part 39.1 : Everything for you

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Two days after his almost-but-not-quite reunion with P'Mew, he woke up to his Twitter feed literally blowing up as photos of him and the older man, together, were posted online .

Private messages from his friends, former co-workers, the guys from Boyfriends Project, his management team, and from P'Mew himself flooded his inbox, but for his sanity's sake, he decided to bypass the others in favor of checking P'Best's and P'Bermb's messages first.

As expected, his management team simply requested him to check his damn phone and call them once he'd decided to join the land of the living.

Which of course he did, an hour and a half later, after he had his breakfast, had showered and played with Juu for the better part of the last half hour.

Before he did, though, he figured he could check the photos properly first - he wasn't brave enough to do it earlier, worried and equal parts terrified for very obvious reasons - and upon doing so, he honestly didn't know whether he should be amused or relieved or both.

Truth be told, he was expecting to see something else, something more worthy of his anxiety spike before he decided to check the posts.

Something like photos of him leaving the hotel he spent the better part of the weekend with P'Mew as he tailed P'Mild out the back entrance. Or pictures of P'Mew leaving his apartment, of them driving to and from the hospital where his father was admitted the night before.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that there were none of those when he checked the pictures.

In fact, said photos were just stills from the two events he and P'Mew attended together: the Boyfriends Project dinner slash press conference, and that charity event in Chiang Mai.

All of them seemed like they weren't even specifically meant to capture just the two of them, and yet judging with how the photos were clearly cropped just to focus on him and P'Mew, it was obvious that this was intentional.

Still, the fact didn't stop people from talking.

And online, it was so much worse.

Some of the captions headlined by online entertainment news articles were mostly speculations about them actually knowing each other outside of work - it was an obvious jab to his management (and P'Mew's) separate statements to squash Art's misleading and malicious interview days ago - others were straight out questions whether these photos were a ruse for something bigger, another project maybe?

There were obviously those who were questioning the real status of their relationship - the photos posted suggested nothing of the sort and yet the way these questions were thrown out there had somewhat still fueled Art's previous claims about that cheating allegation like clockwork.

Personally, he'd rather they ignore it. Addressing it might only give the public the wrong impression (as if it hadn't already, but whatever).

And yet, something about the photos screamed malice in big, bold letters, because anyone with eyes could see that there was not a single incriminating thing about the photos no matter how hard they try to make it so.

His family said the same thing when he'd come down for breakfast this morning and his sister had shoved her phone to his face, teasing him about the photos, saying he could have tried harder to give the public what they wanted instead of said pictures they were calling evidence where he looked either sleepy or constipated whilst their parents snickered in the background.

Apparently, his management team shared the same sentiment.

"I have no idea what they're trying to accomplish from this, Nong, but just so you know, we have expected much worse than these pictures to come out when your Phi told us about their existence." he couldn't decide if his manager sounded amused or just plain relieved as he said this, and talking to him on the phone instead of in person didn't help.

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