Part 36.2 - Blink and Miss

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Nothing could have prepared him for this, at least that was what he was certain while he laid there panting like a dog in heat. Not the stupid videos he'd watched or the equally-stupid online stuff he'd read for research purposes because, really, those couldn't ever be compared to the real thing. The sensation hitting him all at once was overwhelming enough as it was and Gulf would be ashamed of all the filthy noises he was making if he had the brain capacity to think of it, which he had none.

He'd expected the discomfort, sure, the awkwardness even, but this - this was something else entirely.

The preparation had been a blur, for the most part. But he remembered P'Mew's gentle fingers coaxing him open, P'Mew's hot mouth distracting him for what was to come. The simultaneous stimulation drove him insane that he was writhing under P'Mew's teasing, moaning loudly before he could stop himself. The abundance of lube would have been completely amusing if he didn't know it was done to ease his discomfort, and for that he was glad especially when the other man towered him once again, aiming the blunt head of his condom-covered dick against his twitching entrance.

"If it hurts, we'll stop," P'Mew stated, his mouth hovered over his own.

"Will it?" he countered, more from curiosity than in actual fear.

P'Mew chuckled, reached up with his clean hand to cup his cheek. "You'll tell me." was the last thing the older man said before he was thrusting in, breaching Gulf's body inch by inch, stopping every few seconds to squeeze lube onto his fingers and coating himself with it, Gulf staring wide-eyed on P'Mew's face as he struggled to bear down on him infinitesimally slowly, both of them groaning deep the moment P'Mew was finally buried to the hilt and shaking.

The sensation was something he'd never felt before he was trembling by the time P'Mew settled. "Oh shit,"

P'Mew chuckled as he leaned down to steal a kiss, stilling above him as he pressed their foreheads together. "Fuck, baby, you feel perfect." came the admission, soft and breathless as Gulf found himself laughing mirthlessly in answer yet again.

Fuck, he felt full.

Full and possessed, from the inside and out. It was fucking incredible.

"Baby, you okay?" P'Mew was hissing, but Gulf was busy getting there. He was trying not to squirm away, but with P'Mew's dick throbbing inside him, it was difficult to stay still. "Gulf, talk to me. Are you in pain? Am I hurting you?"

He shook his head, the question prompting another breathless laughter out of him. "No, no, I...Fuck, P'Mew -" he cursed, then paused to breathe air back into his lungs. P'Mew at least wasn't doing anything, staying still, doing his best to prop himself up so as to not crush Gulf with his weight or something. The thought would have made him swoon if he wasn't presently wheezing. He had to remind himself to breathe lest he'd end up hyperventilating and he didn't want to scare P'Mew off by passing out or freaking out on him while they were in the middle of fucking.

His vision blurred but the discomfort was giving way for something more. There was an itch buzzing under his skin he couldn't scratch and it was frustrating at best. His fingertips tingle, the rest of him aching to do more, feel more. He arched back before he could stop himself, and the action dragged the older man closer, the movement pushing him deeper.

"Move, Phi, move, please." he whined, legs winding around P'Mew's waist, his muscles clenching involuntarily around P'Mew.

"D-Don't, ah, fuck, do that!" P'Mew grunted on a downtake, stilling above him and gripping his hips tightly. Gulf honestly didn't know what he did to warrant such reaction from P'Mew - he was trying to focus on breathing as it was to even notice anything else at this point, but given the way P'Mew was gritting his teeth before ducking down to give him an open-mouth kiss, he had a feeling he would know soon enough.

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