Part 37 : Interlude

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There was a reason he never got too close. Why he would rather keep his distance and be content on giving without expecting anything in return. To not delve in too deep knowing the risks were bigger than his desire to give, to have someone to take care of even though they didn't know him personally.

It wasn't as though he'd planned it. At least not in the beginning. Things kind of just fell into place after the second time, and he realized he liked it. He hadn't been looking for a relationship; fuck knew he'd much rather pay for someone else's time than actually put himself in a position where he had to compromise his emotions along with the contents of his bank account but sometimes, even a tough heart couldn't resist.

But getting burned wasn't easy, and falling for someone who only saw him as a spare bank account was reckless as it was stupid. So he vowed to never do it again.

And he did try to be careful. And discreet, for very obvious reasons. Once was enough, and he wasn't that stupid to make the same mistake twice. So he planned it out. Made the rules and vowed to himself to always stick to it. And it worked.

And then Art came along and fucked things up.


"It's not a job application, Nong," for the nth time, he wished he could be as rude as some people tend to be, because right now, he was itching to do the same. Ditch this so-called date and leave, pretend it didn't happen.

But Art wasn't letting him. "It doesn't work that way, I'm sorry." he apologized, though he was certain he didn't sound the least bit apologetic. He was trying to be civil, polite while he was explaining shit he didn't even need to. But for some reason, Art was'nt buying it.

"Just try me, Phi," Art insisted, reaching over to squeeze his knee in a way that made the hair at the back of his neck stand on end. Batting his eyelashes suggestively and making that ugly twitching in his stomach worse at the sight of it. "I know you said you don't meet your sugar babies personally but maybe you can make an exception with me?"

Oh, hell no.

He shook his head. "As I said, that's not how it works. And to be perfectly honest, I don't know why we're even discussing this. I don't recall ever telling you about any arrangements I had with some people in the past and I'm not going to start now. I have no idea why you're even talking to me about this in the first place." he said, hoping he did sound as exasperated as he felt.

To be fair, it was the surprise that got him to agree to this date. Art making comments about shit he liked, dropping hints about his preferences every damn time he would get the chance to be alone with him. The last straw was Art calling him Daddy under his breath while the cameras were rolling, and somehow, he just knew.

Art smiled like a cat that got the cream, even licking his lips for show. "Maybe because I want you to take care of me, like how you took care of the other three before me."

His stomach was already in knots as he backed away. Obviously, denying shit wouldn't work when Art obviously knew more than he was letting on.

"I...I'm not going to ask how you know about that but let me be honest with you. I don't get into such an arrangement with someone I know. That's my first rule."

There was that smile again, one that told him he wasn't getting out of this easily no matter how hard he was trying.

"I can pretend I don't know you, Phi. If that's how you prefer it. I can be a stranger. I can totally do that, I swear. That should work, right?"

He shook his head. "Nong, please it's not -"

"Or," Art leaned forward so fast he was pulling back just as fast, wary and equal-parts stunned. "We can ditch the stupid arrangement and date for real. Take your pick, Phi. I'm really not that hard to please."

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