Part 9 : Suppasit

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They were on their way to his second job of the day and Gulf was certain he was most likely sleep-walking at this point.

P'Best obviously noticed it too - he'd been yawning and constantly slipping into catatonic state every five minutes, but with his eyes still open as he followed P'Best around, he had a feeling he must look like the dead walking.

To be fair, sleep eluding him the other night wasn't entirely his fault. Okay, maybe partly it was, but that was debatable. He was certain he would have fallen unconscious on any available surface last night, given the fact that he was exhausted enough as it was when he reached home, but it wasn't meant to be when S decided it was a good day to call him up and drive him crazy while he was at it.

"Careful on that door, Nong," P'Best said, loud enough to alert the whole building and effectively breaking through the sleepy haze clouding Gulf's senses enough to make him stop. His gaze followed P'Best's hand - the older man was waving a hand in front of his face and frowning, obviously to get Gulf's attention, it worked, but only slightly - and sighed.

"What do you mean, Phi?" he grunted, swallowing the urge to yawn again and then roughly rubbing his face with his hand, contemplating slapping his own face to wake himself up, but thought better of it.

P'Best shook his head; he looked like he was considering whacking Gulf on the head too, but was probably worried people watching would think he was being violent.

"If you walked into a glass door again, I swear I won't be able to save that face anymore. Please be careful." P'Best said, reminding him of the earlier incident involving him and that revolving glass doors at Channel 7 building.

He scowled, glad that it was hidden behind his facemask. "Won't happen again, okay. I wasn't paying attention earlier, that's all." he explained, half-hearted at best because he knew it was a lie.

"And you're paying attention now?" P'Best countered, brows raised. "If I didn't call you out, you would have walked straight into it," he said, before pointing behind them towards the group of giggling girls watching them with their cellphones aimed at them, at Gulf in particular.

"Imagine the embarrassment. You'll be all over Twitter even before your performance on stage later."

Gulf rolled his eyes but said nothing as he followed the older man as he stepped inside.


The press conference was scheduled around six that evening, their rehearsals set an hour before it, so it was a given that they were expected to arrive at the venue at least half an hour before.

But Gulf (and his supposed partner), were tasked to promote the event in several TV and radio stations, so he had to leave the apartment as early as eight that morning, foregoing breakfast and hoping to sleep the entire car ride to wherever P'Best was driving them next, but couldn't.

The conversation he had with S had literally kept him up all night, and for very obvious reasons. Part of him wondered what had triggered it, although it wasn't entirely surprising given the way they've been subtly flirting with each other ever since the calls started. Gulf felt like they've really stepped up on it, especially while S was away, but he hadn't really thought much about it simply because he knew the score.

Neither of them brought up the issue - he knew that S was aware there was one - but Gulf had a feeling that S would have done so only if Gulf would ask the question first. It was like S was giving him free reins about everything, letting him steer the two of them, this, to any direction Gulf fancied, so long as it made him happy.

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