Chapter 10

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That day Spencer made Ophelia run a few laps around the camp as punishment for treating the commander and generals rudely. The laps didn't bother Ophelia, it was the hour-long lecture that followed afterward. The lecture only ceased when Ophelia managed to duck away when Spencer got distracted.

Finally having some free time and feeling gross, Ophelia grabbed her supplies and a fresh uniform to go clean up. Finding a river and lighting a fire, Ophelia boiled the water and cleaned herself off with a cloth and some lye. She pulled her hair out of her ponytail freeing it. She slowly stripped her clothes only removing what was needed, after all, it was cold. As she cleaned she dressed in fresh clothes leaving her tunic off not wanting water to get on it from her hair. She redressed herself in her breast bindings after cleaning her chest off. 

Dumping the dirty water on the ground, Ophelia refilled the pot carefully measuring the heat so she could wash her hair. As she waited she carefully combed through her hair removing any dirt or filth as well as any knots. Once the water was ready Ophelia removed the pot from the fire setting it on a stone she cleared off, adding in some cool snow to bring down the temperature. She carefully dunked her hair into the pot rinsing it. Pulling away she began quickly scrubbing her head with lye soap massaging her scalp carefully. The scent of rosemary filled the air, once Ophelia was satisfied she rinsed her hair in the pot once again. 

Once free of soap Ophelia carefully dried her hair with her towel. Patting and squeezing out water. Ophelia then pulled a small bottle of olive oil out of her poach, it had been expensive to get but she couldn't stand it when her hair got too frizzy. She also didn't like the feeling her hair had when she used walnut oil instead. Using a reasonable amount Ophelia ran her fingers through her hair before combing her hair once again to spread the oil. 

Finally, once she was done, Ophelia put her tunic back on and sighed feeling relieved. The scent of blood no longer lingered on her and was replaced by the smells of rosemary and olive oil. She quietly sat by the fire giving herself a few minutes to dry off. Once she was done, she packed her things up and used the leftover water to put out the fire. 

She made her way back to camp with her hair hanging loose instead of pulled back like it usually was. Making her way to the cook's tent, Ophelia noticed the others staring at her. Feeling confused she ignored it while waiting in line. That was until Lionel came up and smacked her on the back. "Looking, awful spiffy kid!" Lionel laughed, "It's called bathing. You should try it sometime old man." Ophelia retorted. Lionel grinned, "Come on kid this is a smell of a grade-A alpha!" Lionel patted his chest proudly. "I could barely keep omegas and women from me back in my hometown!" 

"Can I assume the name of your hometown is Pigsty?" Ophelia sneered disliking the sweaty grungy scent coming from the alpha. Lionel chuckled putting an arm around her shoulder, "Are you sure you getting cleaned up wasn't to impress a certain commanding omega?" he teased in a hushed tone, Ophelia stared blankly at Lionel.

"It was because I don't enjoy smelling of blood and sweat," Ophelia replied flatly. Lionel made a sour face, "You're no fun!" he complained letting go of Ophelia. The alpha woman rolled her eyes moving along in the line. She picked up a bowl from the stack waiting for her turn to be dished out the elk stew that the chief had made. 

"So why is it that you two flirt every time you see each other?" Lionel questioned standing behind her. "Don't generals have different meals prepared for them?" Ophelia avoided the question. "I already ate that," Lionel replied, Ophelia, shot him a dirty look. "Greedy old bastard." She complained, "You're as big as me, you know how much people like us need to eat!" Lionel defended himself. "I'm not a damn pig about it." Ophelia snapped annoyed, "Well apparently someone thinks my hometown is called Pigsty." Lionel responded both of them were served their food at the same time. 

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