Chapter 20

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Ophelia went to get up but she felt Darius grab the back of her uniform forcing her to sit back down. "Sit Reeds." He smiled viciously at her, Ophelia felt sweat trickle down her face. "Don't want to make a scene now do we?" he asked motioning over to the others who weren't paying attention to what they were doing.

Ophelia swallowed and sighed, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-." She went to apologize, "No it's fine." Darius replied cutting her off, "I thought it was hilarious." He crossed his legs grinning at her. "Hilarious as in actually funny or hilarious as in I might be killed by execution?" Ophelia asked carefully. "Actually funny Reeds." Darius replied calmly before sighing, "You're lucky you're so pretty. Had it been anyone else I would've had them executed." He remarked wistfully.

Ophelia felt conflicted hearing this, "Thank God I take after my mother I guess." She replied a bit sarcastically. Darius chuckled, "And here I thought I had been subtle with my interest in you." Ophelia opened her mouth to speak and Darius spoke up again. "In front of others Reeds." He added. "Yeah, you haven't been exactly subtle there either commander." Ophelia deadpanned, "What? Of course, I have." Darius denied, "Stragety tent." Ophelia deadpanned, Darius went stiff and looked off into the distance as if remember the incident.

"We nearly jumped each other," Ophelia spoke frankly a smile appeared on Darius's lips. "Yeah we did." he seemed really pleased with the memory. Ophelia felt her lips twitch she was beginning to understand why Hart called them both ridiculous. A snort left Ophelia's lips and Darius grinned at her, he went to say something when he was cut off.

"Good morning to you lot!" A voice called, Ophelia looked just up the road and saw a small group carrying the Hart Dukedom banner. She looked over at Darius who seemed annoyed, glancing down at their hands, she reached over giving a small pat on Darius's hand before getting up.

She glanced down at Darius who gave her a small smile before taking a deep breath and standing up.

"Marquees Valentine!" Darius called getting up, the alpha man who rode up front grinned. "There's our favorite commander!" Valentine replied as rain pelted down on his hood, "Dreary enough weather for you?" He laughed as his group came to a stop near their small setup. Ophelia assisted in unloading their cart, the other cadets wordlessly helped load up the cart they had brought with them. Darius and the other generals chatted amongst themselves with the Marquees.

As Ophelia lifted a large sack on her shoulder she noticed one of the soldiers from Hart staring at her. "Can I help you?" She asked, the soldier smiled at her, "No I just want to watch." he said softly eying her.

Ophelia stood there and looked over at Hyde who stood next to her. "Sexuality is very liberal in the Dukedom," Hyde explained a bit meekly. Ophelia felt her cheeks burn slightly, the soldier was obviously an alpha a bit on the smaller side as it were. "I see." She replied stoically, she felt a chill roll down her spine when she felt Darius's gaze on her. She didn't even need to look, she just knew she'd be given hell later on.

She could already hear it, 'my empress has flirted with another man, how will our nation stand at this point!' Ophelia sighed, she was never going to live down that little speech she gave. Finally, the cart was almost unloaded and Ophelia reached for the final crate when another hand reached over, she stepped back and the alpha smiled handing the crate to her. "It's a shame that you're stuck out here in the cold." He flirted shamelessly.

Ophelia took the crate and stared at the alpha man, he wasn't bad-looking, but Ophelia wasn't interested in alphas. "I'm fine thanks for your concern." She spoke flatly, hand placed over one of hers and the alpha smirked. "You sure, there's plenty of room on the cart now... You could come back to the Dukedom with me."

Ophelia felt her soul leave her body for a moment.

Taking a deep breath stared at the alpha before turning around and walking away. "Was it something I said?" The alpha questioned, "You're not crazy enough for her." Ophelia overheard Hyde reply. She decided to ignore it for now.

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