Chapter 29

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"KID!" Ophelia was crushed in a large bear hug from Lionel, she winced feeling pain radiate from her shoulder where Darius bit her. Squeezing the arm out of Lionel's grip, she patted his back. "Hey old man." Normally Ophelia would struggle against the hug but since it had been a while. She let Lionel hug her as much as he wanted, after a moment Lionel sat her down grinning ear to ear. "When did you get back?" He asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Just a few moments ago. I stopped by the infirmary tent and saw what happened to Hyde." Ophelia told him, Lionel's expression became sober at this. "He seems like such a sweet kid." He huffed looking annoyed, "Aside from when he tried to push you off a cliff." He added, "I think he's been punished enough Lionel." Ophelia sighed remembering Hyde crying.

"He took a hit for Hart and the bastard hasn't even been there to see him." Ophelia sneered feeling annoyed with the general. Regardless of personal feelings, when someone took a hit like that it was only natural to assume the right thing to do would be to at least see the person while they were recovering. Lionel frowned deeply, "Hart is good with his words and he's one of the smartest out of all of us. But he isn't the greatest when it comes to love." Lionel explained.

"And you were trying got set me up with him?" Ophelia questioned, Lionel huffed, "Not really I wanted Darius to get jealous so he'd get his head out of his ass." Lionel folded his arms, "So you were trying to use Hart?" Ophelia chuckled shaking her head, "Sorta, I also thought it'd be funny to see Hart absolutely smitten over you. Usually, he has others chasing after him, it'd be nice to see him trying to chase someone else for once." 

Ophelia furrowed her brows, "Wow Lionel." She chided playfully, the older man sat down on his bed, "Oh I don't want to hear it from the likes of  you." Lionel wagged his finger at Ophelia, Ophelia rolled her eyes grabbed one of the chairs in the tent, and sat down. "You lied to me." Lionel narrowed his eyes, Ophelia folded her arms and looked away. "I don't what you're talking about." She replied with a haughty tone. "The commander wouldn't be interested in an alpha trying to climb into his bed." Lionel quoted her using an exaggeratedly high-pitched voice. "He would only want to think about the mission!" Lionel's voice rose an octave, "He doesn't even know who I am!" 

"You're a rotten little brat for lying to me." Lionel pointed at her with a scolding tone, he didn't seem too angry because there was a smile on his lips. "A lady does not kiss and tell," Ophelia replied crossing her legs for extra effect. "It looked like Darius wanted to do much more than kiss you." Lionel retorted, Ophelia closed her eyes and felt her brow twitch. It was a tad embarrassing to talk to Lionel about something like this. She took a breath and opened her eyes, "Listen at the time I had no idea if the commander was still interested in me. That's why I said the things I said." She explained, Lionel sat there blankly staring at her.

"What?" Ophelia questioned, Lionel let out a long sigh shaking his head, "They kept you sheltered in that church didn't they?" He asked empathetically, Ophelia gawked feeling a bit offended. "Don't worry kid I'll teach you everything I know about securing an omega." Lionel hit his chest proudly, "After all I managed to get my Quenten to fall in love with me!" He grinned confidently. Ophelia felt her eye twitch at the thought of getting advice from Lionel regarding matters of the heart. "I think I've got that handled," Ophelia replied sheepishly.

Lionel went to speak but Ophelia spoke up, "What I'd like to ask is how do I become an officer?" She spoke quickly before Lionel could insist on teaching her everything about wooing an omega. Lionel paused for a moment and his eyebrows rose, "I thought you didn't care about that." He remarked, "I don't but... I'm wanting to work my way up to being a general." Ophelia replied. Lionel chuckled, "Now I wonder what brought this change on." He teased, "Lionel." Ophelia sneered displeased, "Couldn't Darius just promote you to an officer?" Lionel questioned, Ophelia frowned, "I don't want it given to me. That misses the point completely." She insisted.

Lionel rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "The quickest way to get a promotion is to show leadership skills in battle." Lionel replied after a moment, "Any way I can do that? My troop doesn't see a lot of battle." Ophelia questioned, "Well you could start taking missions outside of your troop more often. Myself and the other generals often end up short-handed from time to time." Lionel informed her. "I'll let the others know you're interested in that sort of thing. But kid..." Lionel trailed off giving her a serious expression. 

"If you're serious about this not being handed to you then we'll present you the opportunities to prove yourself. But there'll be no hand-holding even if I am there." He warned with a somber expression. "That's fine." Ophelia nodded firmly, "I'd rather it be that way. I'd be uncomfortable if something was too easy." Ophelia joked. Lionel grinned looking pleased, "Alright, we'll have to increase your training too." he said clapping his hands and rubbing them. Ophelia nodded and Lionel looked excited, "I'm going to talk to the others right now!" He said standing up.

"Maybe I can get you as one of my officers after you get promoted!" He looked even more excited with that thought. Ophelia chuckled shaking her head, "Sure." She agreed before spotting her rucksack in the corner. "is that my stuff?" She asked, "Huh?" Lionel looked over, "Yeah it is kid." He said with a smile on his lips. "Thanks." Ophelia thanked him getting up and grabbing the bag.

 "Don't mention it!" Lionel headed for the entrance of his tent. He paused, "Hey I heard there's hot springs around here somewhere. You might want to look into it." He suggested, "I smell that bad huh?" Ophelia asked, "You smell like burnt bodies kid. What the hell did you do?" Lionel replied, "Burned bodies after looting them." Ophelia replied with a shrug.

The two of them stood there for a moment and Lionel grinned, "Atta girl!" He laughed walking over and smacking Ophelia on the back. "No need to waste perfectly good equipment!" Lionel cackled, "Anyway go wash up kid. I'll go talk to the others about you." Lionel grinned at her before turning and leaving. Ophelia grabbed her things carrying them out of Lionel's tent, she found a spot on the edge of the camp and set her tent up. Getting a new outfit together and other supplies she went hunting for the hot springs that Lionel had told her about.

Not too far away from the camp, Ophelia stumbled upon one, she had never seen a hot spring in real life before. Block prints of them in the books of the church were the only reason why she knew what they were. The Church of Lady Calcite was best known for it's healing hot springs, hundreds of well-to-do traveled there to receive treatment. Ophelia often heard the priests and nuns in Flat Trench talk about wishing to be placed there. 

She never thought she'd see such a sight in real life... 

Ophelia washed herself off outside of the spring before slipping into it's warm waters. It was important to make sure that she didn't dirty up the spring. Slowly Ophelia sunk down and sighed, "This is amazing." She spoke to herself feeling her eyes burning with excitement. The warm waters were just hot enough to soothe her. 

She felt the irritated flesh around her shoulder tingle softly and she grinned silently swearing to herself that somehow she'd get her hands on something like this in the future. She understood now why everyone fought tooth and nail to get placed at Calcite. Ophelia leaned back staring up at the early night sky, the soft sounds of the forest were soothing to her. She smiled feeling herself relax, she'd have to thank Lionel later for tipping her off.

Ophelia closed her eyes enjoying the brief moment to herself, she got the feeling that in the coming weeks, this would be even more of a luxury than what it already was.

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