Chapter 46

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Content warning: Implied sexual assault and abuse

"My name is Kellis Clovis," Kellis introduced herself to Ophelia, a hand was firmly on her shoulder. While Ophelia didn't know the exact meaning of this, she could tell the gesture was significant somehow. Should this gamble of hers go well, she'd have to check in on this afterwards. "Ophelia Reeds." Ophelia replied returning the gesture, it felt right to mirror Kellis's actions somehow. Kellis smiled slightly which Ophelia returned with a slight nod. "I thought you Clover soldiers don't introduce yourself to dead women." She remarked, a bit jokingly, Ophelia hoped to at least release some of the tension that had built up due to the circumstances.

Kellis slowly removed her hand from Ophelia's shoulder, "Let's just say I'm at least hoping you won't turn into a corpse." Kellis replied, Ophelia removed her hand from Kellis's shoulder and the two of them stood there for just a moment. She could tell that Kellis was trying to size her up. "I'll be fine." Ophelia spoke up, the concerned expression didn't leave the other woman's face. "Well I suppose that kind of confidence has to come from somewhere." Ophelia heard Kellis mumble mostly to herself.

"Lorcan!" Kellis called, Ophelia heard the sound of shuffling and then faint sobs. "What?" An annoyed unaffected male voice was heard, "I've got an imperial soldier," Kellis started to explain, the flaps to the tent flew open, and a slightly older man stood there just a head higher than Kellis but still shorter than Ophelia. Just like Kellis his hair was dyed a bright orange, Ophelia actually spotted the brown roots beginning to show from what she could see at the top of his head. "Why the fuck would you bring one of the Imperials here! I told you to kill on sight!" He exclaimed not yet noticing Ophelia's presence. Kellis kept her face firm trying to ignore the lack of modesty Lorcan had at the moment.

Naked as the day he was born he stood there with everything hanging out. Judging by the similar facial structures and knowing Kellis's last name being Clovis... Ophelia silently gave her sympathies for poor Kellis having to stand there with Lorcan like this. "Are you fucking stupid or do you just not want to fucking listen to me you stupid bitch-!" Lorcan screamed in Kellis's face loudly, Ophelia saw his fist clench as if he was getting ready to strike Kellis. Ophelia seeing just about enough spoke up.

"I called Solomon's name." She declared, she spoke no more louder than what she normally did but the camp seemed to go silent the moment she said the first Duke's name. To call Solomons name... As Ophelia said she did, was just another way of saying she invoked Solomon's law. So this response from the camp wasn't all too unexpected. Lorcan's eyes slowly moved from Kellis to Ophelia, at first he had kept his gaze at his eye level but when he was met with the sight of the golden dragon on Ophelia's surcoat his eyes traveled upwards.

Leaning back he looked surprised for just a moment with how tall Ophelia was. "Fucking hell what has the imperial army been feeding you?" He gawked, "My father was a giant." Ophelia responded sarcastically, Lorcan's eyes widened for just a moment, he seemed to believe her. "I can see that." He blurted out, startled he looked over at Kellis who raised a brow. "My hands were tied Lorcan." She said with a shrug. "So you brought her here?!" He asked through clinched teeth.

Kellis looked between Lorcan and then Ophelia, "If you wanna lie to her be my guest." She replied looking back at Lorcan, Ophelia couldn't help but notice that Kellis was having a little fun with this. Taking a breath Ophelia glanced down again and then looked at Lorcan's eyes. "I don't remember anything about having to fight in the nude when Solomon's name is called." She spoke, Lorcan stood there and then glanced down at himself as if just realizing he was naked.

Quickly he retreated back into his tent leaving Ophelia and Kellis alone.

When the flap was fluttering close, Ophelia spotted what looked to be a young soldier huddled in the corner looking terrified. Ophelia noticed the lack of pants on the young man. There was fear in his eyes when they made eye contact and she saw tear stains on his face. Her blood boiled and she clenched her teeth, "I'm going to kill him." Ophelia announced not needing any further proof. "My great grandfather might spin in his grave for me saying this..." Kellis spoke with a sigh in her voice. She looked over at Ophelia from the tent flap with a serious expression. "Please do." She requested.

Ophelia's gaze landed on Kellis who looked disgusted at not only Lorcan but herself. "Is he your brother?" Ophelia questioned, "A monster like that is no family of mine." Kellis face twitched as if she was doing everything to hold herself back from either screaming.... Or crying. "What the hell is going on in Clover if this can happen so openly?" Ophelia questioned mostly to herself. Kellis looked at her, "Win and I'll tell you everything." She announced. Ophelia opened her mouth to reply but Kellis cut her off. "I won't be a traitor to my homeland, but if you win.... I'll follow you." Kellis swallowed after speaking.

Ophelia saw Kellis's fist clench and she was shaking. She looked furious and terrified, she also looked at Ophelia as if... As if she saw a way out. Ophelia was then reminded of a story that was told in church, about a single strand of spider's thread being dropped into hell and the sinner who found its gamble to climb out. The gamble being, should the thread hold their weight they could climb free... But if that thread breaks... The sinner would fall further into the depths of hell with no way out.

Ophelia could tell that to Kellis, she was the way out of this hell. She was Kellis's spider thread. Ophelia's eyes moved back to the flap when she heard movement approaching, she took a deep breath, she'd be strong enough to pull her out. She swore this to herself silently, the flap opened and Ophelia spotted the young man again still in the same spot.

She'd be strong enough to pull them all out of this.

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