Chapter 41

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After speaking with LeRoy, Ophelia headed back to the tent she shared with Darius. Ophelia slipped between the lines of tents walking in between them in a makeshift alley. She counted silently before she stopped, she sniffed the air and sighed. She had almost walked past it. The faint smell of jasmine. Bending down she lifted up the loose canvas and slipped inside. She looked around for a moment seeing that it was empty.

Darius must still be in the meeting he had told her about this morning. While Darius never went into specifics, Ophelia was often worried about some of the things he talked to her about. Sure it was just pillow talk between the two of them. But had Ophelia been anyone else...

Ophelia supposed she should be flattered by Darius's trust for her outside of their lovemaking. It took just a week of staying together for things to honestly feel really domestic. Then again those days they stayed together out in the wilderness... It was obvious that Darius had felt that too then. So quickly they had gotten comfortable with each other when left alone. Ophelia felt her cheeks burning feeling flustered with how comfortable she was staying next to Darius.

Walking around the tent gathering her things Ophelia took a deep breath feeling even more determined to keep her position. That spot next to Darius... Regardless of where it lead, Ophelia wanted it and she didn't want to give it up to anyone. Ophelia felt the heat in her cheeks increase, she had no right to call Darius greedy anymore. She was just as bad as him now.

"He'll make fun of me if he sees me like this," Ophelia mumbled taking a deep breath, she willed the heat in her cheeks down and relaxed as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Clutching a roll of bandages tightly, Ophelia frowned feeling disturbed. She liked Darius much more than expected it seemed, while she was aware of the feelings she had being beyond just liking him...

It was starting to scare her the size of these feelings truly were. It was like looking into a deep well or gorge... She wasn't seeing an end to it. For someone like Ophelia having feelings like these, especially so early... She knew she was getting attached too soon. It was still early... Was she making a mistake? Were she and Darius really good for each other? She wanted... She wanted to be with him but... Perphaps the scene of Brigham harassing Darius had bothered her more than expected.

Brigham wasn't wrong, Darius could be sweet when he wanted. More than once Ophelia felt her heartstrings pulled by Darius. He was an expert manipulator and knew exactly what to do to get what he wanted. Ophelia had known this since the moment they met, but the things that happened between them... There was truth there, Ophelia had seen it. Those things that had led to these feelings she had were real moments where Darius's mask fell away and she saw him.

That face of his appeared more and more often as the days passed. He seemed content and happy around Ophelia. Often making his way to her arms without prompt or suggestion from Ophelia. He wanted to hear her every little thought or opinion... But it wasn't a ceaseless attack on Ophelia. He'd work quietly during the evenings at his desk seeming just happy that they were under the same roof.

He was sweet... Ophelia couldn't help but worry that it wouldn't last. She worried that maybe she had gotten too excited finding someone that... Made her feel like this, made her want more than what she wanted before... Made her feel alive after so many years of feeling no better than dead. Maybe her excitement would scare him off? Make him feel overwhelmed? Ophelia clenched her jaw silently, this was going to be her first mission since starting to take this seriously. She wanted to think about this carefully and consider what was best for both of them.

But, even if Darius did decide to move on from her... Ophelia refused to be as Brigham was. If there was no place for her she wouldn't beg for one... No matter how much or how badly she wanted it. Ophelia's darkened thoughts were silenced instantly when she heard a familiar coy tone, "What's with all the packing Reeds?" Ophelia looked up from her bag seeing Darius walk into the tent.

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