Chapter 44

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"Judging by that arrow she's in that one," Kellis remarked Ophelia felt her heart skip a beat when Kellis pointed directly at the tree she was in. "Shit." She whispered, Ophelia sighed considering her options. The others didn't seem to believe Kellis so it could be possible to trick others into thinking she was wrong... 

Ophelia's eyes landed on the young swordsman, but judging by how he looked at Kellis... He looked like he'd jump off a cliff if Kellis said it was okay. Ophelia glanced through the branches towards the camp, she wasn't able to see Roux and Sean anymore. So either they were dead or they made it back.

She couldn't escape because they might follow her, Ophelia really didn't want to lead them back to camp. Kellis seemed clever and if she was anything like Ophelia... She wouldn't be satisfied with someone getting away like that. The others were around here somewhere and with Kellis having pinned her location it made it harder to easily pick them off like she wanted.

She also really wanted to recruit Kellis... While she hadn't had much time to see her abilities, what she did see... Ophelia really wanted to bring into the Imperial army. But it wasn't as if she could easily recruit her either--. 

Ophelia then spotted the clover crest on Kellis's green surcoat. She wasn't surprised to see that Kellis was from Clover. The bright orange hair was a dead giveaway instantly, Ophelia remembered reading that some clans in Clover use lilac twigs or carrots to dye their hair orange. But seeing that surcoat made her remember Solomon Clovis... 

"Solomon's law," Ophelia mumbled softly rubbing her chin, that would be the best opportunity to both get these guys away from the camp and get the opportunity to recruit Kellis... The soldiers from Clover were honor bound they would have to listen if Ophelia invoked the law... 

It was still risky... 

As Ophelia sat there thinking Kellis drew her bow, "You best come on out now." Kellis called standing there, "I know where exactly you are." She spoke up. Ophelia raised an eyebrow, "You must be a hell of a shot if you can spot me." She replied, "You have no idea." Kellis responded with a smirk on her lips, "Now come on down here." 

Ophelia let out a sigh, "What if I don't want to?" She asked, "Then I'll shoot you dead." Kellis retorted, "Shoot me dead?" Ophelia asked with a scoff, "I guess they don't have the sisterhood up in Clover then?" She asked, careful not to move, "It's not good to kill another alpha woman." She added. 

"It's nothing personal, you know that." Kellis replied her eyes still searching in the tree. Ophelia wondered if she actually knew exactly where she was or if she just knew she was in this tree. "Nothing personal..." Ophelia echoed, her eyes flickered back over to the young man just behind Kellis. He sat on the ground watching Kellis with glittering eyes, Ophelia wondered if given the opportunity would the young man worship the ground she walked on. 

Kellis stepped into Ophelia's line of sight as if just sensing Ophelia staring at the young man. Ophelia smirked a bit, there was something personal there clearly... But she wanted to recruit Kellis. The little guy wouldn't have a hair touched on his head if Ophelia could help it. "I'm sure you know as well as I do what they'd do to us if given the chance," Ophelia remarked, Kellis looked away from the tree with a conflicted expression. 

The sisterhood was established by the older girls at the church. It was a way to protect each other no matter what. It felt wrong to see another alpha woman not following that rule. Hearing some brush moving Ophelia then spotted the other Clover soldiers creeping slowly around the edge of the clearing. It was to be expected that this would happen, their conversation was bound to attract attention. 

Ophelia let out a long sigh, aim for a penny she supposed...

"I don't suppose you lot still follow Solomon's law?" She asked, the other soldiers froze and Kellis's eyes shot back to the tree. "How does an Imperial like you know about that?" Kellis questioned, "I'm as learned as I need to be." Ophelia replied. "You do know you'll have to fight our leader right?" Kellis questioned, "I figured." Ophelia replied. "It would be smarter to just escape." Kellis reasoned Ophelia rolled her eyes, "So you can follow me? You already don't follow the sisterhood don't think I'm stupid enough to lead you back to my camp." 

Kellis glared, "I never said I didn't." She retorted, "You've just been going around and killing my friends." Kellis sneered glaring at the tree Ophelia was in even now she was still scanning it trying to spot Ophelia, "It's nothing personal." Ophelia sarcastically replied. "Just get down here already!" Kellis shouted annoyed, "Tell your friends to put away their weapons," Ophelia replied. 

"Everyone put them away!" Kellis barked, clearly annoyed, Ophelia glanced around spotting the others slowly coming into the clearing. Their swords were sheathed and their arrows placed back into their quivers. Ophelia took a moment to count, there were six left... Did she kill three earlier?

Six was much more easily handled than ten, so Ophelia felt safe enough to jump down once more. Landing casually on the ground, Ophelia stood up at her full height and the Clover soldiers gawked. Kellis stared with wide eyes, "Holyshit, what the fuck have they been feeding you?!" She asked startled, "other soldiers I bet." One of the men in the back of the group remarked. 

"How the fuck is she bigger than what she was before?!" One of the archers questioned, "I don't fucking know mate, I wanna know how the hell she's so damn fast!" Ophelia rolled her eyes listening to the exchange, "My father was a giant," Ophelia said sarcastically. "Your poor mother." Kellis and the other Clover soldiers looked horrified. 

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