Chapter 17

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Content warning mentions of suicide, murder, and illness

The following day Ophelia was exhausted while it was due to Darius once again, what she did for most of the night was much less fun. While the book had been interesting, names and dates of battles with methods and methodologies in which they won or lost. Ophelia felt less satisfied with her decision to stay up, especially considering that, unlike the other cadets of their group... She was forced to walk. 

Adjusting her rucksack she sighed as the group walked along a steep path of a mountain. The generals mostly conversed with themselves riding along on their horses. Ophelia glanced over the edge admiring the scenery as she walked. At least it was a nice day, she supposed... Hearing someone approach quickly from behind Ophelia turned and moved out of the way as yet another cadet fell forward in a clear attempt to try and push Ophelia off the edge.

Ophelia glanced at the cart counting, that's right... There were four... She remembered as she watched the cadet stumble over the edge. Why didn't she see him last night? She wondered as he fell. Ophelia watched making no attempts to stop his fall. "Hyde!" One of the cadets exclaimed startled from the cart. They had been snickering to themselves just a moment ago. Ophelia stopped staring at the cadet just holding onto a root that stuck out over the edge.

"How interesting," She spoke, "It seems like you were trying to push me off the edge..." She announced the group had stopped moving and the generals' attention was now on what was going on. "Like hell I was! You pushed me over!" The cadet named Hyde denied and then in the same breath decided to accuse her. "Aww don't be like that." Ophelia clicked her tongue and cooed, "I'm sure you know as well I do, you're in no position to lie." Ophelia replied with a smile glancing over at the three cadets who were attempting to approach to save their friend.

"You three obviously haven't seen what I did to the Snowfel soldiers in the forest," Ophelia spoke placing her hand on her sword's hilt. "Stay put if you know what's good for you." She threatened. The men froze and Ophelia chuckled, "Now, why don't you be a good boy and tell us what you tried to do and why?" She spoke lowly not feeling in the mood to be nice. She was tired and dealing with their childish antics was not something on her to-do list today. Especially after Hart handed her yet another thick book before they set out. 

Hyde glared gritting his teeth, he tried to crawl up by grabbing onto the edge. But the loose dirt gave out and he started to slip. Ophelia reached down holding him by the back of his uniform. "Come on now, my grip is slipping." Ophelia spat getting annoyed, false accusations were obnoxious.

"Hyde..." Ophelia heard Hart call sounding a bit nervous. That was interesting, a cadet that was nowhere to be found last night and a general who seemed concerned about his safety. It seemed that Darius wasn't the only one who liked to pick bedfellows from lower ranks. 

Hyde looked over at Hart looking conflicted before looking at his friends and then Ophelia. Ophelia leaned close and narrowed her eyes, "You're lucky I like your special friend." Ophelia said quietly just loud enough for Hyde to hear. Hyde's eyes widened considerably at this. She then tossed him over her shoulder walking up the path.

Everyone was surprised when Ophelia threw Hyde onto the back of Hart's horse like a sack of flour. "Keep a better eye on your subordinates, Hart." Ophelia spoke looking up at Hart who seemed relieved. "I'll have a talk with them later." Hart spoke stiffly, "Good idea. The last thing we need is him throwing himself off the edge again." Ophelia replied giving Hart a polite smile before glaring at the flustered-looking Hyde. 

Ophelia continued walking glancing at Lewis who grinned amused, "Sometimes got to put them in their place kid." he remarked before continuing on the path. Ophelia felt a stare on her and looked next to her to see Darius riding on his horse looking at her, there was no expression to give away his thoughts. Ophelia couldn't tell if he was upset with how she acted. 

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