Chapter 14

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Ophelia trudged through the mud and slush in the middle of the forest. She had run here when they were being chased earlier. While it was uncomfortable, she was grateful that the heavy rain managed to ward off their pursuers. Holding Darius in her arms, Ophelia did her best despite getting soaked to make sure that Darius stayed as dry as possible. Somehow, managing to locate a nearby cave, Ophelia made her way inside setting Darius down against the wall of the cave. 

Getting to work, she managed to muster up a small fire. Thankfully it was burning hot thanks to the pinesap she had used as an ignitor. She stripped off as much of her soaked clothes as she could. The heavy and soaked tunic flopped to the cave floor. There was no use in worrying about modesty right now. If she kept the soaked article on it would only be more uncomfortable and put her at risk for illness. Ophelia then checked her bag, she didn't have much on her.

Inside were only a few basic necessities, it was what she could manage to carry when she was running earlier. Her much larger rucksack had been tossed to the ground when she took off with Darius. Squeezing her hair free of water, Ophelia let out a stressed sigh. Outside of what she had in her bag, she had her sword, axe, and a small pot. 

Glancing back at Darius Ophelia then made her way over to the mouth of the cave Ophelia decided to fill the pot with water before setting it on the fire. It boiled slowly, she turned to Darius who was sitting upright quietly watching her clutching his side. Thankfully it seemed that under her coat he had managed to stay much drier than her.

Things were quiet between them, silent looks that said a million and one things lingered before turning back to the boiling water. Ophelia dipped a cup she had in the pot rinsing her hands off with the hot water before beginning to lather her hands up with the lye. It hurt but she had to be clean if she was going to deal with Darius's wound. Her hands were cleaned after a few painful minutes. She walked back to the mouth of the cave using the cup to be filled with water before refilling the pot.

"This isn't how I hoped the next time we'd be alone to be like." Darius chuckled softly breaking the silence. Ophelia looked at him and sighed, "I hoped it would be under better circumstances as well commander." She replied in a soft tone. She approached him leaning down and stripping her coat on him. Seeing the gash on his side she hissed through her teeth. "I've been trying to put pressure on it but it won't stop Reeds." Darius chuckled softly. There was a quiet acceptance in his eyes at that moment.

She frowned disliking that look, she turned her eyes to the still-bleeding wound, the cloth Darius was using was soaked. She ran through her head things she could do to stop it before settling on a solution. "I'm going to have to cauterize it." She told him, and Darius stared at her, he didn't seem startled, he seemed calm despite bleeding out. 

Ophelia wondered if he was going into shock. "Do whatever." He replied in a casual tone although strained, Ophelia, lifted him up moving him closer to the fire. Grabbing one of Darius's knives Ophelia stuck it in the pot of boiling water to clean it. 

Wiping it clean with a fresh cloth she looked at Darius and took off his tunic slowly. He hissed softly and Ophelia did her best to comfort him. "This is going to hurt commander." She whispered softly, she winced hating the situation. Darius stared at her quietly, a labored breath came from him. "Have you ever done it before?" he asked, "On myself," Ophelia replied setting the blood-soaked tunic aside. 

She took a new cloth dipping it in the water and then patted at Darius's wound to clean it carefully. He hissed softly in pain, Ophelia sat him up not wanting his injury to be above his heart. Darius leaned against her, Ophelia shifted putting the blade of Darius's knife into the fire until it burned a bright red. 

He stared at it with widened eyes, Ophelia turned his head away from the sight and held him firmly. She placed a leg over his legs to keep him still, steeling herself hating this she gritted her teeth and placed the hot blade on Darius's skin.

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