Chapter 34

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Ophelia pressed Darius tightly against the trunk of the willow tree. Darius squirmed against her, his hips bucking into hers. Her tongue was deep into his mouth and vague moans leaked out of him. Getting an idea of what Darius wanted, Ophelia began to rock her hips into his. Slow at first, purposely dragging herself deeply against him. Darius whined into the kiss loudly as she slowly sped up her rutting.

When they parted for air, Darius let out a gasp catching his breath. Ophelia panted softly slipping her tongue into her mouth savoring Darius's taste. He had something with fruit in it recently... She couldn't tell exactly what. "Reed... Reeds." Darius panted looking impatient, "Don't worry." Ophelia spoke quietly, "Leave it to me, commander, I'll take care of everything." She purred moving her lips from his and to his ear.

It'd be too difficult for Darius to be on top out here, though she knew he liked it better that way. To be honest, Ophelia didn't mind it herself, it was always surprising what she was willing to let Darius get away with. Then again, with a face like his... Ophelia kissed the corner of his mouth. He could do what he wanted.

Darius's mouth hung open as she rutted her hips into him, his cheeks flushed and he turned his head away. Ophelia dipped her head into the side of his neck kissing along his jawline. She had hoped to kiss his neck but with the chainmail in the way it was difficult. Her hands slid down his body supporting his backside as Darius loosened his grip on her waist, he slipped one leg out of his trousers allowing for better access to him while not fully removing them off of him. 

Ophelia slid an inspecting hand behind him to check, as she placed her mouth on his once more. There was slick there, though Ophelia felt like it wasn't enough just yet. "Reeds." Darius groaned into the kiss pulling away. "We don't have all day." He complained, Ophelia lowered her pants freeing herself from them. "If you're sure." Ophelia breathed rubbing herself against him. Darius let out a shameless moan, "Fuck... I am... Holy Shit..." He whined partly talking to himself, Ophelia breathed heavily rubbing herself against him.

"Reeds!" Darius whined after a moment of her rubbing against him, "Patience Commander." Ophelia clenched her teeth, she wanted nothing more than to go in all at once. But she knew she couldn't not without hurting Darius. Her heart thundered in her chest and with parted lips she panted softly. Maybe it was the fact they were doing this outside... Or maybe it was because it had been a couple of weeks... Regardless of which it was, it felt more... Intense this time.

Once Ophelia was sure she slowly pressed in, Darius clenched his teeth leaning back. "Yes..." he hissed as she slowly entered him. Ophelia held still for a moment letting Darius adjust to her, he panted softly resting against the bark of the tree. He didn't try to hide his wince this time, "Fits like a glove." he teased after catching Ophelia staring at him. 

Ophelia leaned forward and kissed the corner of his eyes where tears had formed, "This is why I insist on taking my time." She spoke softly, "I don't enjoy seeing those tears." She mumbled kissing his other eye. "I know." Darius mumbled as he grinned slightly leaning his face towards Ophelia's lips, "But I get impatient Reeds." He chuckled softly closing his eyes, happy purrs came from Darius. 

"I've noticed," Ophelia spoke in an affectionate tone. She gave a few more kisses on different areas of Darius's face, she watched as Darius's eyes sparkled softly. Ophelia grinned slightly unable to help herself she kissed him a few more times. Darius chuckled it seemed he thought her reaction was amusing, "Now that's a familiar look." He remarked, "I wonder what you're thinking Reeds." He teased caressing her cheek again. 

Ophelia smiled slightly, "A woman has to keep a few secrets for herself commander." She replied, "Even from me?" Darius asked coyly, "Even from you." Ophelia kissed the palm of his hand, she was sure Darius would hate to hear just how adorable she thought he was sometimes. 

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