Chapter 45

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Content warning: Implied sexual assault

With very little fanfare Ophelia was now being escorted to the Clover encampment, surrounded on all sides by the Clover soldiers. Ophelia watched as the remaining few of the troop she had just fought with seemed to follow Kellis's directions and orders without issue. Ophelia disliking the sudden silence that settled over the group spoke up. "So what are your names?" She asked, "We don't give our names to  walking corpses." One of the soldiers replied.  Ophelia's brows rose on her forehead, "How do you know I'll be the one to die?" She asked curiously.

"Our commanding officer is one of the direct blood descendent of Duke Clovis." The young swords man that Kellis was protecting earlier spoke up. Ophelia's attention turned to him when he spoke up. "That so?" She asked, "Yeah, so in a one on one fight you're honestly out of luck!" He continued, the young man slowed down to match pace with Ophelia walking beside her now.

When he got closer Ophelia was able to get a better look at the little guy, soft features and a higher voice... Ophelia's eyes trailed down his form. It was hard to tell with chain mail but.... He was either born a woman... Or a very young man. On top of that, Ophelia's met the young man's again. The way his face was shaped... If she added in a wrinkle on the forehead and a scowl to his friendly face.

He almost looked like Spencer Spade. They both had the same eye color and even the same hair color. Their noses were also the same shape as well...

"Do you have relations in the Spade Dukedom?" Ophelia blurted out, it was an impulsive remark but she couldn't help but think this young soldier looked a lot like her commanding officer. Kellis who had been quiet snapped her head back and grabbed the young man's wrist. "Don't talk to dead women Charles." She scolded pulling Charles closer to her. Ophelia's eyes narrowed, Charles... That name... Ophelia's thoughts were interrupted with a light push to her back. "Come on now, heaven's gates wait for you Miss Giant." One of the archers laughed urging her on.  "More like hell's." Another soldier joked causing laughter amongst the others, save for Kellis and Charles.

Ophelia didn't pay any attention to the ribbing she got from the Clover soldiers finding the situation in front of her far more interesting. Her eyes landed on the interlaced fingers of the alpha woman and young man in front of her. Ophelia felt in her bones there was something a bit more to the both of them. She just hadn't quite figured out what yet.

Yet another motivation to best this commanding officer of theirs and recruit them... Though Ophelia was sure she could do without the others... She looked over at a soldier walking beside her after he nudged her a couple times. "Say do you ever get hit with tree branches being all the way up there?" He asked teasingly grinning up at Ophelia. Another soldier laughed, "Whatever poor fecking omega she's with probably has to climb her like a damn tree."

"He does just fine." Ophelia replied frankly feeling less of a need to hide her relationship with Darius. Besides, this would either end with her dead or them under her command. Although a bit morbid, Ophelia wasn't likely to get another chance to talk about her relationship so openly any time soon. "Ooh he does just fine she says! Has Miss Giant been bullying some poor little omega?" The archer on Ophelia's other side questioned. "More like he bullies me—." Ophelia cut herself off realizing the conversation was way too friendly for the context, "you lot are pretty friendly to someone who just killed some of your comrades." Ophelia observed, "Ah you're probably going to fucking die so why not get a few laughs in I say?" One of the swords men remarked with a shrug, "Besides we thought some of them you killed were pieces of shit!" Another chimed in just behind Ophelia.

"Except for Davis. Pure sweet heart that one." The archer from before spoke up looking a bit saddened, Ophelia felt a tinge of guilt but nothing unbearable after all... It was either them or her. "You're only saying that because he was willing to warm your bed." The other archer scoffed, "Gonna have to find someone new to stuff your arse now!" One of the swordsmen cackled. "He's been through most of the camp that's willing, shouldn't be too hard." The other swordsman remarked looking at the other that spoke. "That one's practically got a line leading out of his tent most nights." The other archer remarked with a chuckle in his voice. "Visit a few churches I'm sure you'll find a few more that's willing." Ophelia couldn't help but reply.

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