Chapter 32

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Ophelia was tired the next morning, but despite that, her nose was in yet another one of the books Hart gave her. Spencer walked beside her hovering around curious about the books she had. "Ophelia you've been quiet these days," Spencer observed, Ophelia glanced over her book at her commanding officer. "I've been busy." She replied simply, "I know you've been training with General Lionel a lot. I've heard from the others you visit Hyde and Hart often at night." Spencer remarked.

"I'm allowed to visit him and his husband, there's no rule against it," Ophelia replied turning the page. "I know but it's not exactly a good look. You're the only woman in the army what if people thought you were doing things you shouldn't be?" Spencer pressed looking concerned. Ophelia closed her book and stared at Spencer. "I can take the whole twenty." She replied flatly. "What?" Spencer was confused, "Lashings." Ophelia spoke darkly, Spencer's mouth closed and he swallowed dryly.

Twenty lashings was the standard punishment for attacking a commanding officer. Ophelia turned back to her book pleased that Spencer got the idea. "Somethings changed recently about you," Spencer remarked quietly. Ophelia let her eyes wander to the back of Darius at the front of the march. "I've just started thinking about my future recently that's all."

"Oh, that's great! What are you thinking about doing?" Spencer lit up at this admission from Ophelia. Ophelia looked up from her book, "You'll find out soon enough." Ophelia replied calmly before turning back to her book. Spencer eyed her, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the commanding officer narrow his. "Ophelia there's been some strange-." He started to say, "Spade!" Ophelia looked to the front seeing Darius shouting Spencer's name again. "Get up here." He ordered narrowing his eyes, a strange sense of deja vu washed over Ophelia. Though this time, Darius looked furious, Ophelia looked to Spencer and smirked. "Someone's in trouble." She couldn't help but tease.

"No. I'm not in trouble, I'm sure it's something else." Spencer brushed her off, "You should try behaving like me." Ophelia teased, Spencer glowered and was about to say something when Darius yelled again. "Spencer Spade!" He used his full name, "Up here! Now!" He demanded. Spencer looked frightened for a moment, "Maybe I am in trouble." he remarked before heading toward the front.

Ophelia met Darius's eyes and gave him a smile before looking back at her book. It was another four-hour trek through rough grounds. When they finally made it to their destination most of the army was exhausted. "What happened to all the snow? This doesn't make sense." One cadet questioned, Ophelia as she walked past spoke up. "There are volcanos in Clover. The ground is too hot for the snow to stick." She remarked turning a page. "This just means we're getting ready to cross over into clover territory." She added

"Volcanos?" The cadet asked confused, "Wait why would the ground be too hot-?" Another asked concerned. A third cadet laughed, "Oh boy you guys might want to sit down for this." He spoke with a laugh in his voice. Ophelia busy reading kept walking while looking for a good place to set her stuff down. In the distance, she heard the two cadets shout, "They sometimes do what?!"

Ophelia managed to find herself a good spot and sat her things down, careful to take care of the book she had been reading. She used the ribbon attached to the spine to mark her place stuffing it into her smaller bag. She then dug through her rucksack pulling out her supplies. Ophelia eyed her things taking a brief inventory and frowned rubbing her chin. Counting once again she realized... She was missing things.

A pair of gloves, two tunics, and for the second time this week her whetstone had gone missing. Ophelia also noticed out of the three quills she had, she was missing one... Her favorite one. Briefly, she considered whether or not she was being harassed by the others. But aside from the passive-aggressive remarks she got from time to time... And of course Hyde... No one dared to really bother her.

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